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The Pagan Teaching Circle


Johnson State College

This site last edited 7/18/2001 by Isa Moon.

In the green mountains of Vermont there is a small community of Pagans. JSC is home to the Pagan Teaching Circle, a group of students and community members who share time, knowledge, and friendships with one another. Festivals and ceremonies are celebrated with in the group. From somber Samhain (Halloween) to boisterous Beltane (May Day) Every year they join hands to celebrate the life and passing of the god and the cycle of the goddess. The PTC encompasses all kinds of pagan beliefs: Irish-Celtic, Native American, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Green-Witch, and many Eastern beliefs. At weekly meetings, lectures, and discussions are held about many subjects including history, natural healing, and spell writing.
Writen by a Johnson State College, Pagan Teaching Circle member

Jerry Anderson, Club Advisor

Isa Moon, Webmistress & Club Founder; Tempest Owlsbard, Club Founder

Wander through our halls!

The PTC's BOS: Spells and useful magickal information writen by our members and friends.

The Wheel of the Year: Information on the Sabbats and the PTC's rituals for each holiday.

The Wheel of Life: Information and spells concerning the different phases of a magickal life.

Writings: Creative writing by our members and friends.

Myths on Paganism: Common misconceptions on paganism, witchcraft, and other nature-based religions discussed.

The Rant Page: A place for visitors, members, and friends to post their ideas and comments.

On Campus: Find out what the PTC will be doing on campus, view our history, code of conduct, and other politically based things.

Library: See what we keep in our library and get ideas for yours.

Photo Album: See the PTC in action!

Pagan Links: A list of our favorite links and the links to members websites.

Webrings: The rings we are members of.

Credits: Contact the people who help to make this website possible.

Club Members

Become a member yourself! Join the PTC mailing list. Particpate in club discussions and online meetings. Know when events will be happening on campus and help plan and design them from anywhere in the world! Simply put your address in the box below.

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