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If we remember as stated in the page psychological abuse, that the main goal of the batterer is to make the victim feel crazy and powerless, we can gain greater understanding as to why visitation is such a problem. Everything we have addressed throughout this entire website, can be taken into consideration here. Checking out the power & control wheel link will help you review the matter of imbalance of power which exists here. The scope of this problem is so vast and so multi-layered we have divided it up into other links. We are also directing you to some other very good websites on this subject. If you have any other questions please e-mail me at the address below. I will respond as quickly as possible.

I do intend to expand this page further. I wanted to give you some substance for clicking onto this page. So keep checking back.

Power & Control Wheel
Back to Kinds of Abuse
Visitation Exchange
The Journal of the American Judges Association
Checklist for Ensuring Abuse- Free Visitation
Crazy Making
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