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Kari Wuhrer's New CD!

Following the success of her first album "Shiny" Kari Wuher has finished her second album . . . "REALLY SHINY"

Below is the track list for the new album

Track 1: Tight Shoes

Track 2: I'm a natural brunette . . . I swear!

Track 3: Of course they're real!

Track 4: I'm naked

Track 5: My buddy Dave

Track 6: Maggie's Gun

Track 7: What's A Crackwhore?

Track 8: We've ran out of songs so here's Kari with her head in a fishbowl

Track 9: Kari garggles SCOPE

Track 10: Kari talks to her fans . . .You were stupid enough to buy this?

Coming Soon and available only via the internet at

Thanks to Chaser9 on the official Sliders board for this.