The Consequences of Time Travel Part 2

Part 1
Part 3

This is part 2 of The Consequences of Time Travel.

Sirius looked to the right and found the source of the voice, a rather scrawny boy, with unkempt black hair. The boy’s face lit up when he saw Sirius and he jumped up from his seat at a table and ran over to him. The boy threw his arms around Sirius’ waist in a hug. Sirius was startled by this sudden affection from a stranger.
“What are you doing here, Sirius?” The boy asked. “It’s not safe! Plus, you didn’t tell me you were coming!”
Sirius was confused: this boy seemed to know him. Then he gasped, as he saw the boy clearly in the only light in Gryffindor common room, coming from a small lamp. The boy had brilliant green eyes sparkling from behind a pair of glasses. Sirius knew those eyes…and he knew that hair!
“Hey!” He announced to James, Lily, Remus, and Miranda, who he heard getting up from the floor where they’d fallen. “It’s like a mini-Prongs!”
They boy detached himself from Sirius and looked at Sirius curiously. “You look different…younger.” Then he let out a yelp as he saw James, Lily, Remus, and Miranda getting to their feet. They were shrouded in shadow, and probably did look mighty freaky.
James stepped forward, into the light from the lamp, and peered at Harry. “Whoa.”
“Is it your kid, James?” Lily asked, coming forward into the light as well.
The boy’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “Prongs…James…” He whispered. Then he let out another yelp. “Dad? Mum?”
James and Lily exchanged a very confused look.
“Dad?” James asked.
“Mum?” Lily asked at the same time.
“Who are you?” Remus spoke up, coming into the light.
“Harry Potter.” The boy replied. “What’s going on?”
James looked like he was about to faint. “P-Potter?” He stammered.
Miranda stepped into the light as well. “This is probably going to sound very odd, but we’re from the past, I guess you could say. 1980, to be exact.”
The boy, Harry Potter, had all his attention trained on Lily and James. Finally, after a moment of awkward pause, he spoke. “So you time traveled?”
“Exactly!” Remus replied.
“Did you say Prongs was your dad?” Sirius asked.
“I-I think so.” Harry answered.
“I think there’s a lot of talking that needs to be done.” Lily said, regaining her voice.
Harry nodded. “Can I just get my best friends, Ron and Hermione? They probably know a lot more about this type of thing than I do.”
“Fine by me.” Sirius told him. “Just don’t tell anyone else. We’ll be here, waiting.”
Harry ran off to his dormitory.

“Ron!” Harry hissed, shaking him. “Ron, wake up!”
“’Arry, lemme sleep.” Ron slurred.
“No, Ron you have to wake up! It’s an emergency!” Harry slapped him across the face.
“Ow!” The slap woke Ron up. “What was that for?”
“Come with me!” Harry said, pulling Ron’s arm. “We have to get Hermione.”
“You’re mad.” Ron told him, but agreed to come.

Five minutes later, Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood in Gryffindor common room. Hermione and Ron were both in their pajamas, having been woken up from a sound sleep by Harry. Harry however was wearing his school robes, as he had been finishing some last minute homework when Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, and Miranda had come into the common room because of their spell. Ron and Hermione were staring at Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, and Miranda with amazement.
“What are you doing here?” Hermione finally spoke.
“Lily cast a spell to make us go twenty years into the future.” Sirius explained.
“Only because you four persuaded me!” Lily protested. “Besides it was your idea!”
“What year is this?” Remus asked.
“Finally, an intelligent question.” Lily said, shooting a glare at Sirius. “Yours are ridiculous.”
Harry watched this banter between Lily and Sirius with a smile.
“2000 of course, Pro—I mean Remus.” Ron replied.
“What were you going to call him?” Sirius asked.
Lily elbowed Sirius. “That’s a stupid question.”
“It is not!” Sirius replied indignantly. “However, I think there are some introductions in order. I, as you seem to already know, am Sirius Black.”
“Lily Evans.” Lily stated her name.
“Remus Lupin.” Remus said next.
“Miranda Leone.” Miranda spoke up.
“James Potter.” James said, speaking for the first time since Harry said what his name was.
“Hermione Granger.” Hermione stated.
“Ron Weasley.” Ron went next.
“So Arthur had kids, eh?” Sirius commented.
Ron nodded and blushed. “Seven of us.”
“Seven! With who?”
“Whom.” Remus corrected.
“Whatever.” Sirius waved his correction aside.
“My mum’s named Molly.” Ron said tentatively.
“Molly Cheyenne? Her and Arthur. Wow.” Sirius shook his head, smiling. He turned to Harry. “So Lily and Prongs here are your parents?”
“Er…you could say that.” Harry replied.
Lily looked from James, to Harry, to her flat stomach, and back to Harry. “So…I’m a mother?”
“Not yet, obviously.” Remus explained. “You’re both only sixteen. How old are you, Harry?”
“Fifteen.” Harry replied.
“So you have Harry when you’re one?” Sirius asked, smirking.
Lily glared at him. “You’re so disgusting, Siri! I did not have him when I was one.”
“Actually, you have Harry in 1985, Lil, when you’re 21.” Remus corrected.
“So you’re pregnant before you’re even of legal drinking age, Lily.” Sirius teased. “How did you cope?”
Lily ignored him, and studied Harry intensely, before smiling. “You have my eyes.”
Harry loved her smile. He had never seen her smile like that before in his life. He wished that she and James could just stay here forever, so he would finally have parents, alive and in the flesh.
“But everything else he inherited from his dad.” James commented. “Down to the untamable hair and bad eyesight. Too bad you didn’t inherit your mother’s sight, she has eyes like a hawk.”
Lily playfully slapped his shoulder. “Hopefully he inherited my brain, because as we can all tell, yours doesn’t work right.”
James tickled her. “Take it back!”
“JAMES!” She shrieked.
“You two are going to wake up the school!” Remus chided.
James stopped ticking Lily and Lily gave him a slight cuff on the shoulder in retaliation.
“So, Harry, do you play Quidditch?” James asked.
“Yeah!” Harry brightened. “I’m the Gryffindor captain and Seeker!”
“Aw right! My boy’s the captain. So am I y’know.”
“Really? What position do you play?”
“Chaser. Too bad, I could have taught you a few moves.”
“Prongs, you’re his father! You probably already have taught him a few moves!” Sirius exclaimed.
“Oh, right.”
“No he hasn’t.” Harry corrected, before he could stop himself.
“Why not?” Sirius asked.
“Er…um…” Harry stammered.
Hermione came to his rescue by asking another question. “How did you find this spell?”
“Oh, that was Lily’s genius.” James said by way of explanation.
“Flitwick gave me a note for the restricted section of the library, so I could read up on obscure charms.” Lily elaborated.
“And who wouldn’t give you a note for it?” James challenged. “You’re a prefect, and a teacher’s pet—”
“I am not a teacher’s pet!” Lily interjected.
“Oh you are so. My god, to the professors you’re like the Golden Child.”
“They’re always arguing like this.” Miranda informed Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
“Are you the only one?” Remus asked suddenly.
“The only one what?” Harry asked.
“The only kid at Hogwarts with a Marauder for a parent. I doubt it.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“So Sirius didn’t pass on his DNA?” Lily commented. “Or Remus? Or Mir?”
“Er, no.” Harry looked very uncomfortable and kept exchanging nervous glances with Ron and Hermione.
“Why wouldn’t they have families now?” James questioned.
“It’s kind of a long story.” Harry responded.
“Well, do you know our nicknames?”
“Of course. You’re Prongs. Sirius is Padfoot. Pro—I mean Remus is Moony. Peter is Wormtail. Where is Peter?”
“Hospital wing.” Sirius answered. “Thus, he couldn’t participate in this adventure. Anyway, do you know how we got those nicknames?”
“Yeah, you’re all Animagi. Except for Remus, who is a werewolf. And I don’t mind at all, Remus.”
Remus looked very relieved.
“James, what time do you have?” Lily asked.
James looked down at his watch. “Almost four.”
“In the morning?”
“No, in the afternoon.” James replied, sarcastically.
Lily glared at him for a second, before turning to the kids. “You guys should get to bed. I don’t want us to make you miss your lessons.”
“Lily, we’re in the future and the thing you care about most is if your son is late for class?” Sirius exclaimed.
“Maybe you should sort out your priorities, Sirius!” Lily retorted. “If they miss class tomorrow then the professors will come looking for them and we might get found out. I don’t fancy spending the rest of my years in Azkaban, do you?” Lily saw, out of the corner of her eye, Harry exchange an odd look with Hermione and Ron, one she couldn’t quite read.
“No.” Sirius replied begrudgingly. “Point taken. We should all go to sleep.”
“How are you going to hide yourselves?” Ron piped up.
“Lil, couldn’t you cast an acceptance charm or something?” Remus turned to Lily. “So that everyone will assume we’ve always been here. Maybe combine it with an ignorance charm so that most people won’t even notice us, unless they’re specifically looking for us?”
“That might work, Remus. Good idea.” Lily took out her wand, pointed at James, Sirius, Remus, Miranda, and herself, and said a few words in Latin. “There, it’s done.”
“There wasn’t a flash or sparks or anything.” Ron commented.
Lily smiled. “There wasn’t supposed to be. Sometimes spells don’t look like they work when in actuality, they do.”
Ron furrowed his brow, thinking about this.
“Are you all going to follow us to class tomorrow?” Harry inquired.
“Yep.” Sirius answered, after a confirming nod from James, Lily, Remus, and Miranda. He walked over to a chair and sat down. “This is where I’m sleeping.”
“No it’s not.” Lily told him.
“What are you talking about? You cast the charms so no one will even notice I’m here.”
“Exactly. Some seventh year could come and sit on you while you’re sleeping and not even notice you’re there.”
“Point taken. So are we all sleeping in a corner or something?” Sirius stood up and walked back over to the group.
“You got it.” Lily turned back once more to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. “You three should go on to bed. Sweet dreams.” She smiled at them.
“Same to you, Lily. G’night everyone.” Harry responded. He, Ron, and Hermione headed towards their dormitories.
“Nice kid, Prongs. You and Lily make ‘em right.” Sirius commented from behind Lily and James. “Ow!” He exclaimed, as both Lily and James promptly slapped him.