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Some of the sports eligible for development as a Green Mountain State Games event include:

This list is simply a representative of many of the possibilities of the athletic events which could be part of Green Mountain State Games.  Our national governing body requires that 2/3 of our events are Olympic/Pam Am events (i.e. gymnastics, track & field).  The other 1/3 are open for non-Olympic events of regional popularity (i.e. ultimate frisbee, billiards).  We also have the flexibility to format the events at our discretion, not necessarily comforming to the Olympic format.  For example, at the Olympics, the basketball event is a timed 5-on-5 full-court game held in an arena.  We have the flexibility to make our basketball event a 3-on-3 half-court game to 21 held outdoors, if we so choose.  This is true for any of the olympic events.  Anyone interested in organizing, hosting, coaching, or participating in any of these (or any other unlisted sporting..) events should contact gmsg.

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