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Allison's Avenue

LinkExchange Member

Hi! I'm Allison and I'm the one who made this page. I'm 17 years old and a SENIOR at W.F. West High School and I love to drive!! I love good music, playing it on the flute or the piano, or listening to it on the radio! I also love to be active and play sports! I love to spend time with my family and friends. But more important than any of these things I'm interested in is my Lord, Jesus Christ, who made me and who loves me with an undying love! And He who made the Heavens and the earth also loves every one of YOU with that same kind of love!

I live with my mom and my dad and I have one wacky, but awesome, brother Adam! Thanks for visiting my page! Feel free to email me! I love to get mail!

NEW! My family and I made a birthday card/webpage for my brother for his birthday! Click here to see it!

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