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undefined This site is Pro- Angelfire!
An Official!... 5 Star Site!

Best viewed with a browser that doesn't suck!
And at my new home at

Hint - Get Microsoft Internet Explorer- Hint
If you are using Internet Explorer then the above line does not blink annoyingly.
Last "tweaked" on January 13, 1998.

Today is March 18, 19125

We have -9209 days to partay until January 1, 100

LinkExchange Member

This site is currently optimized for
(I'm not sure any more)
Looks and works best with Internet Explorer V3.02 or later.
Get a special V4 at the KISW site from the links page!


If you take anything give me credit and a link, please. And yes, I do know who you are, but I am a nice guy so will do nothing if you just plain steal anything, its your KARMA. These lines are enclosed in the newest official tags for comments and if you can read them it is either time to upgrade your browser or you are using Netscape which still thinks it is special.
I have moved to

Though you can still find here some...

My first form.

My awards...
LOTS of mistakes.
(This is now the site where I test, play
and find out if my HTML is corect correct.)
Keep going and you'll find some good resources at the links.

My link to X-Files Stuff
(Yes, walk a fine line near obsession.)

Cool Stuff (Yes, I had a way cool tiled background but I only get 200K to do this here and I'm down to a few bytes, wah,wah,wah.)

So, I did this...

A secret message!
<"I recomend yellow (trust me, it looks good) if ya' don't like black".

These are mine! Use them if you want but please give me credit and a link. These lines are enclosed in the newest official tags for comments and if you can read them it is either time to upgrade your browser or you are using Netscape which thinks it is still special.

Or if you know the codes...
Change background color

Such as 99FF66...
This page brought to you in toomuchcolor.
Cooler Stuff
at my new home.
Some stuff that's probably dumb.
Anything else I want, can fit and can get away with.

Some advice...
"Go to church or something, dammit! Join a Coven. Join a political party. Start voting. Start making pamphlets. Start reading. Learn how to apply the lessons you've learned. Learn how to communicate. Learn how to ignore the lies of the mass media. Learn how to think. Learn when to stop thinking and start DOING. Learn how to make bombs. Learn that your government doesnt want you to ever start thinking or becoming active. Learn that 'democracy' is rule by the lowest common denominator. Learn the difference between what society says are your 'needs' and your actual requirements. Learn to be honest. Learn to be true to yourself. Learn the difference between capitalism and consumerism. Get a relationship! Get a philosophy! Get a life! Get pro-active. Get lingerie! Get loved. Get fucked. Get laid. Get used to the freedom of the Internet! Get ready for the start of the new millenium. Get ready for the laughing gas. As God might put it: You got here yourself - find your own way back."
Plagiarized and paraphrased with all due respect from the work of South African playwright, Ian Fraser.

Nuf' said, for now. On to the content.

Easiest Free Home Pages

Click here to get you're own free page and VOTE for me.
This is where I began my domination of the WWW.
All of my pages are written in pure HTML.
(STILL No books, No templates, No programs, No clue... Just me and my brain.)
(I am so sMrT) Yes, I need help...
But you don't need it @ ANGELFIRE,
its a No-brainer.

Can I have more space now?!

A brief note to the powers that be at Angelfire; if I have inadvertantly offended or violated any rules, I would appreciate forewarning and the opportunity to repair before deletion. I have had put a lot of work into this and all is in fun and good humor (and you supplied the blue ribbon image). I thank you for the opportunity and may still spread the word that this is the place to start.
(I think I'm safe now.)

Click HERE to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site.
I think it is seriously better than most with that line.

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If you thought that this was too much to read,
CLICK this sentence and have a little more patience.

After all, you made it this far.

And then get the Hell over HERE to my new personal site!

A product of...
Pandora's Lightbox

Ben Bess Photography

The Awards so far.