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the electronic AME Newsletter of Metropolitan

200 Bibles distributed at Rival Outreach

Bethel Memorial held a week-long Revival in Vygieskraal Squatter Camp, about 5 miles from the church. This proved to be a very fruitful and spiritually blessed event with many of the souls committing themselves to the Lord. The campaign kicked off with Rev. Clive Pillay presently back in Cape Town, who also provided the music for this week-long event. Preachers who ministered the word of God included Bro. Edward Walker, Rev Pam Stander, Rev. Abraham Plaatjies and some visiting preachers from the Baptist and Apostolic Faith Mission Church.
Rev. Pillay could also solicit the support of the Gideons who supplies 200 Bibles to everyone in the camp, including the little ones

They came regularly, wanting to hear the word of God, seriously committing their lives to the Saviour

Joyful expression upon the receipt of the precious Word of God

Ex Cape Annual WMS President,
receives Life Membership Award

Mrs Julina De Wet past President of the Women's Misionary Society received her Life Membership Crtificate in a ceremony shared by most of the Leadership of the WMS, Family and members of her church in a moving service held Sunday 11 March 2001 at Faith AME in Scottsdene, Cape Town.

Some of the dignitaries including Mrs Shirley Josias - Connectional Editor, Mrs Lilian Joubert- Overseas Director, Mrs Sarah Gordon - Episcopal President, Mrs Sally Links - Cape Annual President and Area and Local Presidents.

Mrs De Wet with Mrs Sally Links, Cape Annual President

Indeed .. well done thou good and faithful servant

Clive John Pillay


Certainly deserving of an ....

Highlights from the March 2001 Edition

Other pages by the Editor

AME Church: South African History
The Cape Annual Conference Evangelist
