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A Personal View of the

15th Episcopal District: Cape Annual - Eastern Cape - Kalahari - Namibia - Queenstown -
The first Web-site for African Methodism in South Africa

Congratulations to President Thabo Mbeki on his re-election as President of the Republic of South Africa. We share your dreams of the African Rennaissance for our Zion. We have the leaders and the ability to rule and govern our people in the Southern part of Africa. It is our prayer that we will indeed be able to really develope the Global Development Council, that the Church and State may operate along the same lines. For too long has Africa been the step-child of African Methodism with no real recognition given, and God-given talent wasted. There is no doubt that Africans knows Africans best. We have a culture, heritage that not only needs to be preserved, but developed via indigenous leadership. America will benefit much more, when its leaders are advised by those from the Motherland. There is no place for sentimentality .. Afro-American is not African!! This site has never promoted separation from the connection, but rather pleads for a greater use of the resevoir of resources to the church. THAT Church our forefathers dreamt of. All other denominations on the Continent of Africa are autonomous, yet the church that was at the forefront of liberating its people, still operates under a system where what is best for other people oversea is decided upon in the land of opportunity.South Africa with it most admired constitution that promotes the sharing of leadership as far as consultation is concerned continues to be bound to a church that seems to be operating to the contrary.


Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green Sr. D. Min

Rev. Dr. Samuel Lawrence Green Snr. has served as pastor of St. Marks African Methodist Episcopal Church Orlando, Florida since 1988. Under Dr. Green's leadership, St. Mark's membership has grown from 156 50 more than 3600. A man of great vision, he established numerous unique ministries at St. Mark, among them Feed My Sheep, Serve Our Boys to Men and a Deaf Ministry Revival for the hearing impaired.

In 1992, Dr. Green spearheaded the development of St. Mark Children's Enrichment Center, a 1200 sq metre childcare facility for youngsters 2 to 5 years of age. He also was the impetus behind the establishment of St. Mark Preparatory School, which provides Christian Education for students in the pre-kindergarten through the 8th grade.

In 1996 Dr. Green oversaw construction of St. Mark's Family Center, a 6300 sq mt multi-purpose facility that houses the church's administrative offices, the preparatory school, a fitness centre, a complete food-service centre and a gymnasium. Aside from the church/community sporting events the gymnasium is used fro receptions, seminars, theatrical productions and concerts. Dr. Green lead an effort to establish a housing centre for the elderly, as well as St. Mark's Credit Union, a federal charted financial institution

Dr. Green serves on numerous church, community and educational boards and committees.

He formally held pastorates at two other churches in Florida: Mt. Zion in Green Cove Springs and Greater Bethel in St. Petersburg.

Dr. Green comes from a long line of A.M.E. pastors. His father was a presiding Elder. His three brothers and a nephew currently serve as pastors of churches in Florida and Georgia. Dr. Green has selflessly taken time to mentor, nurture and develope A.M.E. pastors from the ministerial staff of St. Mark.

He holds an Associate of Science degree from St. Petersburg College; A Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Florida; A Master of Divinity degree from Turner Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.

Dr. Green and his wife Ava are the proud parents of two sons.

2004 saw him being elected as the 124th Bishop of the Africa Methodist Episcopal Church consecrated the 125th, and assigned to serve the 15th Episcopal District.

Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green Sr.
Appointed to serve the people of the 15th Episcopal District
2004-2008 DV

Bishop Green lands with a Bang

Sunday 19th August saw the Bishop setting foot on the shores of Africa as Bishop for the first time. A welcome reception was held at Mother Bethel in Hazendal, Cape Town with more than 1000 present. Every department and auxiliary in the 15th was present and extended words of welcome and support to the Bishop.

The Bishop responded to these messages of support and encouragement, promising to be available to all of his people. He could not however contain himself, nor allow such and auspicious moment to pass by without making good use of it. "Excuse me for a moment if you please, while I draw your attention to just a few verses from John 5" was the Bishop's request. He then drew our attention to the plight of the man laying at Bethesda for 38yrs. Drawing the analogy that when Jesus passes by you cannot do anything else but rise up from out of your condition where you find yourself. Towards the end of the sermon there was no audible message forthcoming from the pulpit as those present carried the Bishop with their voices and shouts of praise as they let go and let God have His wonderful way.

There is no doubt that each of God's leaders comes with their own special gifts and manner in which they are used by God. The evangelical blessings and determination to move on up a little higher will do this district no harm as we move out from where we are, led by this inspirational man of God.

It is very clear that this man of God has his priorities sorted out. That he depends on the working and guidance of the Holy Spirit is very obvious in his ministry. I am certain, that as the prophets of old, when the will of God is revealed unto people, there is no enthusiasm. For its only task is to remind us of that which we are failing to do. Bishop Green has made himself available to call God's people back to their first love. Prayer will be needed in future in order to lift him up before the Lord that he may not be discouraged by those who seek to do business as usual

"Messiah gate-crash America"

Bishop Wilfred Messiah

There is no getting away from it, Bishop Wilfred Messiah is, and will always remain a son of the Cape soil!!! A stunning result saw him being elevated to the Bishopric on the first ballot with so much more than the required tally, he could have given some of his votes away. South Africa and especially the 15th Episcopal District is more than proud of his performance at this General Conference.The results indicate to me that America has really kept its promise this time, not taking anything away form Bishop Messiah's ability and hard work towards this end. I am sure that in the end our church can only benefit from the expertise and experence of the elected leadership on this level.

There is no doubt that his late father Presiding Elder Rev. Dr. Paul J. Messiah would have been mighty proud of this achievement. While Dr. Paul could not attain this level in our Zion, his son continues the legacy. We wish him and expecially the other successful candidates from Africa God's blessings and guidance.

God has prepared and made everything in order for us to fulfill our dreams and reach our goals. What happens in the future depends on how we apply the gifts made avaiable to minister in His vineyard.

This site has never shirked away from asking questions burning in the minds of the people as it seeks to be the voice of the voiceless. One cannot help but wonder what is happening in America. Usually the first elected gets the privilege of being assigned to the "better" districts, being in America. The next order is that the one with the highest number of votes gets assigned to the 15th, 19th, etc, etc. How come Bishop Messiah get assigned to the newest district in the connection. Was there a pact made, are Africans being looked down or handled differently? Non-the-less, what happened behind the scene, know this - God has a hand in it. He uses methods beyond our comprehension to accomplish his mission. May Bishop Messiah shine as a beacon unto God's people wherever he finds himself.

Archives 1996 - 2004
Cape Annual Conference:

We thank God for this privillege on being able to work towards the independant authority of African Methodism in Africa. Where there is no vision, the people perish. For too long have we been entrusted with a vision worked out for us in a strange country. Its culture and activities differs from our as night is from day. For too long have we been "indoctrinated" with the fact that we cannot produce our own leaders, nor rule ourselves. It is because of this very reason that Bishop Desmond Tutu left the AME Church years ago, we seem to have had no desire to bring forth our own indigenous form of worship and leaders.

Even in this day and age, the AME Church, claiming to be the oldest and biggest FREE black church organisation still have people in Africa bound and enslaved by a system deviced in America. We do not have the means to elect our own. The existing mode of election is prejudice and biased towards America. The real facts are that leaders from Africa can and are only chosen at the whim of the Bishopric. Only when a Bishop instructs his constituents to vote in which ever way, will a Bishop from Africa be elected. Are the parishioners in America clued up to the talents and desires of Africa? What contact have the electorate at large with the people of Africa? Nothing ... they can only act on instruction from their leaders.

Now the people of Africa can look fervently forward towards their own ideas and plans materializing at the hands of leaders chosen by themselves.It is not about breaking with the Church in America. It is all about the people deciding who their leaders should be. It is about the people knwoing their indeginous need and providing the ways, means and leadership to deal with it!!

When moving in ecumenical circles one is often embarrassed when asked why leaders in Africa are still elected in America. One tend to shy away from questions like how do we as a third-world still have to spend so much money just to get to a meeting in the States, (money which surely could have been put to better use). Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians, Baptists all govern themselves by rules set here in the country. The connection with their denomination is kept and contact is made about every 10 years to check out matters realting to the same. A Methodist in South Africa is no different to a Methodist in America, yet each country has its own structure and govenrment. What are the fears of our leaders ( can it be the fear of material loss? )

The Africa Jurisdiction is much more than just another way of delaying the real issue ... separate government and structure. The Africa Jurisdiction must say loud and clear AFRICA IS HERE and needs to be recognised. Its people muct be given that opportunity to choose who their true leaders should be. The 2000 General Conference has not really done any justice to the promotion of the Africa Jurisdiction, and has once again very diplomatically moved away from the real issue.

Thank God for Bishop Gregory Ingram who has thus far proved to be a Bishop prepared to lead God's people to independence. The Seven-Point Partnership Plan is allows our people not only to take charge of their own affairs, but to develope the potential of being able to look after their own need. Many have felt that we cannot do it, yet in a space of less than two years we have shown that we are able to use our own resources. To quotes the Bishop, we do not have to stand back for anybody else, nor do we have to come begging. South Africa seem to turn out to be leaders in all other fields/spheres except where the work of the Lord is concerned

Let's get talking ..(5.45 to 7pm S.A Time)

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Evangelist Clive Pillay Ordained as an Itinerant Deacon in the Mocambican Conference

Refer report for background story

Last updated information: December 2004

This site is proud to announnce the forthcoming International Women's Convocation..

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Meditation for the Month:

The Cape Annual Evangelist

South African Movements

The Africa Jurisdiction Authority
Taking a stand for our beliefs
The AME Movement in South Africa
A Church that cares
Oak Grove Cloetesville Info
The Official 15th Episcopal District

A Pictorial Record

A People Person
Metropolitan in Action
See the church on the Porch
Oak Grove Cloetesville