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How often have you heard someone say, Things just aren't the way they use to be? I know that I hear it all too often. Everything is at such a fast pace today. Let's take the time to slow down and do things the natural way.

        A potpourri of links--The Natural Way

    Herbs-Flower Remedies

* Bach Flower Remedies

* Native American Herbal Remedies

* Backyard Garden & Herbs- Lists Herbs and what they are used for

* LOG CABIN HERBS - I love this link -- learn what the herbs are for and order them too.

* VIABLE HERBAL SOLUTIONS...detailed descriptions of many herbs and more

                     *Homemade Soaps

  BellSprings - Home made Soaps - powders.....
 Natural Soaps - how to's
 List of homemade soap links

            * Aromatherapy

                     * The Guide to Aromatherapy

                     * Aroma Vitae - Holistic Aromatherapy

                                * Energy Balancing

                         *  Tui Na - 13 hand techniques that involve your Yin & Yang-Chi Energies-look-listen-smell-feel......

                          * Love this sight--Energy Balancing for Natural Health

                          * Energetic Healing from the Awareness Magazine

 Homemade Candles

               * Pourette - great link for ordering candle making things

                         * Miel Labonte honey inc.

                                     * Holistic and Herbal Encyclopedia

          * The Holistic Encyclopedia
           Health Encyclopedia - learn about Vitamins and Supplements, Fitness, Nutrition.............Alternative medicine link -- check it out very information

          * The Homeopathic Medicine Chest

          * Herbs (Directory of) - Department of Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania USA

   * Holistic Pet care

                   *Petcetera - Alternative Pet Care Products

                   * Pet SageA new wisdom in pet care.

* The Herbal EncyclopediaWonderful links at the bottom of this page.

    *Alternative Veterinary Medicine Drug Monographs Dietary supplements and herbal medications may be used as treatments in holistic medicine.

  *Canine Nutrition and Health by Karen PerdueSome thoughts on Herbs.

*Holistic Hound - Ten simple, natural things you can do to improve your dog's health

           * Spirit Essence for Cats- Flower Essence Therapy

For Cats & Dogs

(Disclaimer… the use of herbs is not intended to replace the recommendations of any health care practitioner…)


                                Alternative Medicine

           *Awareness Magazine - Great Articles on mind, body and spirit - Do check this one out

          **  NEW- Greens T.O.D.A.Y - w/reference guide-Nutrient Glossary (I use the products.....wonderful)

* Acupressure

* And much more coming........



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Please consult your Holistic Doctor before trying any new herb/oil, especially if you are PREGNANT or NURSING A BABY, it can be dangerous for you and your baby if you use the wrong thing. Most herbs and Essentials must be discontinued when nursing or pregnant, check with your Doctor first.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! If you have trouble connecting with any of the links I have listed, Please let me know. There is definitely more to come......



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This page has been in existence sense 02/1999-updated on 05/6/2000


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