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17 Navy SEALs killed 5 August 2011
It was a night raid into the Tanji Valley, west of Kabul
SEAL Team Members: Jonas B. Kelsall, Louis J. Langlais, Robert J. Reeves,
Thomas A. Ratziaff, Brian R. Bill, John W. Faas, Kevin A. Houston, Matthew D. Mason,
Stephen M. Milis, Heath M. Robinson, Darrik C. Benson, Christopher G. Campbell,
Jon T. Turnison, Aaron C. Vaughn, Jason R. Workman, Jesse D. Pittman, Nicholas P. Spechar.
Other Sailors: Nicholas H. Null, Jared W. Day, Michael J. Strange, Kraig M. Vickers.
US Army Members: David R. Carter, Bryan J. Nichols, Patrick D. Hamgurger, Alexander J. Bennett.
Thou has made man to rule the works of Thy hands,
the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, and
what ever passes through the paths of the seas.