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"Do you know what you have done?" she asks,
as the winds whisper... betrayal..
"Do you know what you have done?" she asks,
as her heart stops beating
"Do you know what you have done?" she asks,
as the gates of hell open for her.

"Let me share my love, let us become one.

Let me show you my love,
pure estasy and a bonding to be as one.
Let your soul ripple and renew.
Come, spend eternity
in the flames of intense passion.
Let our love consume our souls...
melding us as one."

He asks her"tell me more"

"Between us my love...speak of it to no one"

He replies.."Behind closed doors"

"Come, I will show you my hunger,

and share with you.
Let me feed as I will feed you"

"Do you know what you have done?" she asked,

as the winds whisper betrayal...

written by ~Sparrow~

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My Other Web sites

Lay With Me
Moon Rising
^i^Something About You^i^
A Night To Remember
Broken Wings (under construction)
The Dreamer