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September 19th

Well this race was pretty awesome. This track is more round and has a concrete wall all the way around it. They run four heat races with the winners of the heat races to run the trophy dash and Mike was one of the lucky ones. He pulled a 9 in the first draw for the line up. Since they only had 8 cars in each heat then this put him on the pole in the front of the 2nd heat. We knew this was a win for us. They had the the top four cars winners in each heat, automatically transfer to the "A" Main with the last four to run a "B" Main for position in the "A". Only the top 8 winners of the "B" were to transfer to the "A". Mike declined to run in the trophy dash, so this gave Bill Shura, whom came in 2nd in the heat, a chance to run his car in the trophy dash. He was having some engine problems and needed the chance to run. He came in 2nd, but was oh so close to first.
They then drew numbers for position in the "A" Main and Mike drew a 20. This was kind of funny since when Mike Doss drew a 17. Mike started laughing. This placed him in 16th position to start. Mike Doss was in 14th position to start. We ran 50 of the 100 laps and then took a 15 minute break and run the last 50. Mike Doss won the first 50 and they inverted the first 4 cars. We kind of got railroaded and have no idea where we were in the second 50 as there were all the lapped cars in front of us also.

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