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September 5th

Well due to the Labor Day Weekend, we had a three-day race. Friday was to be hotlaps and qualifing. But some of the drivers were unable to make it due to work, so they changed it just to hotlaps with qualifing on Saturday. We were really hooked up and this was a good thing as Mike Doss had to be in Los Angelas for a race there as he is the mechanic for a southwest tour car. On Saturday we went and qualified as the second fastest. This was okay as the fastest was a 25 year veteran. During the heat race we were slammed in the back by the 75 car. Being just a kid, he was playing games. As Mike looked in the rearview he seen the kid waving. The race was stacked as Mike Yaw is famous for asking the other lead car to hold his position and not let anyone around. This went this way for the entire 10 laps. Frustrating it was, as the finish was the same as the start. This is legal to do although it is very unsportmans like. The incident was reported to the head official and of course their really isn't anything that he could do about it. He did talk to Yaw about it as well as some of the other drivers and they also have had him ask them the same thing. Also coming off the track the 75 car hit us in the back again not just a tap either. Mike put his car in reverse and went to back into him. They were both threatened that anymore of this then they would be fined 110 dollars and would recieve no points for the night. The kid's Dad made him load his car on the trailer and took him home. During the Main Event, in lap 13, we had about a 7 car pile up. Yes, we were also involved. We were to swing down to miss the wreck and was hit from behind and pushed back into it. The 5 car, the 96 car, and the 84 car were all in a pile up in turn 1. The 8 car went to swerve and ended up losing control and the 99 car hit it in the drivers door. The 00 car hit us into the 84 car and it was put to rest that night. Completely totaled. This is the track champion for '96','97' and '98'. He will still be the champion as he can't be caught this year.


Mike was able to race as the shroud was just pushed into the fan. I had to get out and be seen by the ambulance, but I wanted Mike to finish the race. He got his friend, to go out with him and was able to get out there before they came off of caution. He had to start in the back once again. Then making his way back to the front, The 12 car came down on him and popped his tire so he came off and quickly changed his tire and again back out there before the caution was finished, starting in the back again, Mike ended up taking third place. So, we are very proud of Mike, he is an awesome driver and can manuever the car really well.
He just locked in his status of 'Rookie of the Year' and I believe that he is in a solid 4th in points overall.
