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This has definitely got to be one of the greatest comics around.
It is a story by Michael Turner, about Sara Pezzini and the mystical weapon....The Witchblade.

Here are some great pictures of Sara Pezzini, the current bearer of the Witchblade.
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4

I have opened a new page for all artists of The Witchblade! It is a Fan Art Gallery! Just Click and view!

The Witchblade has chosen its women throughout history.

Past Witchblade bearers.

There are many other characters in Witchblade. To see their profiles enter here.

WITCHBLADE ™ its logo and all related characters ™ and © 1997 TOP COW Productions, Inc. All Artwork © 1997 TOP COW Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Witchblade News!

Ya like this Witchblade site? Well if so, here are more Witchblade sites.

Michael Turner has recently begun work on a new comic....Fathom. Here is my site for his new creation.

Gods......Goddesses....Liv Tyler.

Go see this site! Its a friend of mine's webpage!

Please sign my guestbook.

I will respond to everyone who has signed my guest book.


Disciples of the Blade
Disciples of the Blade
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