Welcome to my Shawn Wayans web page.I'm your host
ATCASHMERE. I created this page for myself and other fans of Shawn's so feel free to visit this site as often as you like.
Another reason I made this page of Shawn is because
I feel that Shawn is being overlooked as a movie star.
I know he stared in Don't be a meance with Marlon,
but I think others should give him a chance besides
his brothers. I have seen Shawn since he was SW1
on In Living Color and everybody thought he was a
real cutie pie. Ever since then I would be happy to
see his precious face on TV or movies. I think he is
a sex symbol, and I hope to get a real biography on
him ( like his childhood).
Check it out. Iv'e created a message board Now everybody can post their thoughts or feeling about the show or anythingelse about Shawn (or Marlon), and I've added a guestbook,and I now have
a chat room available.There's more
pictures added. Included is old
pictures of him as SW1.For people
who tried to post messages on the
messeage board.I have a new chat
room that's easier to get into.
There's more sound, and Iv'e found
a couple of videos, plus Iv'e also
added some clickable images, and
more pictures.I plan on doing more
in the future.
Bargain Music
If anybody met Shawn in person
tell us what it was like on the
message board.
Last Updated: 02/25/2025 10:47:36
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