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This page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION but in time will feature midi sound clips. This page will be updated on a regular basis. My name is Brian Galloway. I'm a singer/songwriter in Washington State. I record for Pharoah International Records, based in Knoxville Tennessee. Two songs I recorded are now receiving airplay in Europe and parts of North America. I haven't yet received tracking reports from Pharaoh Records but I expect those shortly. The songs are called "Paradise With You" and "I'm Not Ready For Love." Neither of them is my own composition but I do have some songs I've written that I plan to record eventually. One of those is called "Northern Lights." It's my first song that just seemed to write itself. If you're a songwriter you'll know what that means! Most of what I sing and write is country music but I also love Latin music and "world" music, which to me just means non-top40 non-American ... music that you normally don't hear on the radio. One of my dreams is to record an album in Spanish. I've actually been told I sing better in Spanish than in English...

Read on for some links to websites I enjoy and maybe you will too.

Updated December 17, 2000

Purty Cool Music Links

Native American Music Resources
Tired of the same singers on every station? Click Here
Pharaoh International Records
Check out this great indie artist
Irene Jackson - Singer/Songwriter/Guitarista
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