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Brianbec's Home Page

Web Site Changes

20 Dec 2001, took down some space-consuming old stuff and prepped this site for dedication to the physics of racing series. First installment for the new stuff: part 27, Word Doc, PDF file, ZIP file containing HTML conversion (weird, I know, but there are zillions of little gifs for the equations and it takes too much time to upload them all to angelfire).

Thunderhill Track Day Videos

April 7 and 8, 2001, Shelby Club Day at Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, CA (google them up for track data). [videos removed 12/20/2001].

First three hot laps under sunny conditions. Was able to keep up with a GTA slash Winston Cup car for a while, but had to let one get by eventually.

Dicing with a race-prepped Ferrari. This was a lot of fun. Notice how i catch him up in the slow bits. I probably have better braking. I passed him in another session, but decided to stay behind and play with him in this session. I caugth him up twice in this video.

Physics of Racing Articles

(Fabulous HTML conversions by Peter Ogden of Australia)

This is a clicky that might work...


Funny, funny automatic complaint-letter generator
Physics of Racing Series (parts 1 thru 12)
Open Road Racing / Rallying
My Scheme programming and Windows
Pocket Scheme by Ben Goetter
A Strange Car
Mallett Cars, Ltd.
Official Northwest Autocross Results and Info.

Narcissistic News

21 March 2001: Moving to Xanga:

Haven't put in data in quite a while, but just a quick note to say that the Mallett is fine, has already been out for a track day at Bremerton. The black car is STILL not finished, but it's on its way to Seattle for completion. I acquired another vehicle that's everything the black car should be and more: this one is the "Blue Meanie". Pictures and details soon. Autocrossing is off to a slow start since the "Secret Weapon" isn't here yet. The street 86 vette has just had a minor refurbishing and is really looking good (pictures soon). And, finally, I'll be moving the regular logging over to (note the "one") in some hopes to be able to put more data in more regularly.

23 July 2000: Solo 1 victory at Monroe:

We made a lovely road course out of the three nested ovals at Evergreen Speedway in Monroe, WA. I came in first in class and first overall, but only 0.3 ahead of Mahlon Halloway in a 944 turbo. I later rode with Mahlon at an open-track day at Porland International Raceway and saw why. The guy is *REALLY* smooth! It'll be some (pleasant) work competing with him the rest of this season. Details here. The Larison Rock hillclimb also contributes to my Solo 1 points.

3 July 2000: Larison Rock Win, Again:

Well, I had to cancel Kershaw because the black car is not yet ready. More about that, soon. However, I went back to Larison Rock, which I won last year in class, and defended my title. I set the class record and had the fastest run of the event short of the Formula Cars. There were lots of class records set, some of them long-standing, because the course conditions were ideal on Sunday morning: cold air and hot asphalt. Susan Hagaman beat Bonnie Mueller's age-old record with a 1m44s run. This would have beaten the men's record, too, if Kenny Richins hadn't run a 1m43s :-) In OSPO, three of us beat the hill record: myself, at 1m58.5s, Brad Haase at 2m00s, and Mike MacAvoy at 2m01s. Brad and Mike came ever so close to the two-minute club. Larry Mosegard ran a 1m58.7s, just two tenths behind me and hundredths behind his personal best from last year. Bill Baugh ran a 1m59.998s, gaining entrance to the two-minute club. I backed up my 1m58.5s with a 1m59.191s, so I really earned it.

9 June 2000: Next Event: Kershaw

The next event will (I hope, finally) feature the black project at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, South Carolina. This is an NCCC high-speed event, and the course is VERY VERY fast. Wish me luck! This will take place the same weekend as the Larison Rock Hillclimb, so I will most likely miss that event this year. Pity.

29 May 2000: Autocross Win in Ol' Betsy

With the Mallett now dedicated primarily to high-speed events, I took Ol' Betsy, my '86 Super Stock Corvette, out to the autocrosses, and ran it in Super Stock in SCCA event #4. I won first place out of about 7 or 8, and by 3 thousandths over Kevin Collins' C5. I also BEAT LJ and Angela for the first time in a long time, but I think they were running in the wet. I lost to Doug Braun by a tenth or two.

21 May 2000: Win at Nevada Hwy 318!

We slapped a cage in the Mallett, trailered it down, and went for it. With a bit of good luck, Jerry Kuch and I won first place of 13 in the 130-mph class, with a top speed of 165 mph (our tech speed). See for official results and details. We'll be doing this again! Pix and narrative later.

First Input For Year 2000

Yeah, I know, it's been a long time. Here's the quick lo-down: Will report more later.

Autocross Pictures: 1999 NWR regional Street Mod front-runners


Autocross Date: 17 Oct 99

HIGH DRAMA! -- Class WIN for the Season! It was two outs in the bottom of the ninth, and I needed to beat Mike Gruber by eight tenths of a second (that's a lot) to win the season. By my good luck, the course had a long straightaway where the power of my car (Mallett 435) could beat Mike's (Supercharged MR2) if I could just keep the tires on the ground and the front part of the car pointed forwards. I said "Hail, Mary" and held on, diving into the sweeper at the end a little harder than I thought I could get away with. I had easily my best run of the season, licking every apex cone with the tires, front and back. Somehow, I did it.

Over the entire season, comprising some 1,200 seconds of driving, I managed to beat Mike by a total of about one tenth, overall. Boy, was he pissed! He had been slowly accumulating points on me since event #4 (of eight), until he thought he couldn't be beaten. Then, the event organizers spring a surprise on him: a four-run event (unusual for our region), with a long straightaway, favoring the power cars, like mine, over the narrow, quick-transition cars, like Mike's (though he's got plenty of juice, if you ask me). This entire season was great competition among Mike, Doug Braun, who, with his Pantera, has owned this class for a long time, and me, a comeback kid. More narrative below...

Street Mod   (top)
 1 T Brian Beckman      161   98  Mallett Vette      66.165(1,0)   51.736        50.750        49.809       100.000 
 2 T Mike Gruber          2   88  Toyota MR2 s/c     62.024(2,0)   50.610        50.811        52.616(1,0)   98.417 
 3 T Doug Braun           4   73  DeTomaso Pantera   52.232        50.828        72.837(0,2)   56.665(2,0)   97.995 
 4   Greg Downing        10   89  Mazda 323 GTX      53.408        52.312        51.406        51.771        96.893 
 5   Guy Selle           47   71  Datsun 510         58.547(1,0)   53.984        55.157(1,0)   52.731        94.459 
 6   Mike Masson        510   72  Datsun 510         56.954        54.220        53.648        53.887        92.844 
 7   Babera Fritz        99   99  Ford Mustang GT    57.834        77.402(0,2)   55.569        70.905        89.635 
 8   Adam Fritz          66   99  Ford Mustang GT    65.955(4,0)   55.672        56.329(1,0)   57.712        89.469 

There are many bits and pieces of sports psychology going on here. Mike and I BOTH spin in our first runs. In my case, I'm trying desperately not to "go for broke" too soon, and I'm not doing a great job of it. Presumably, Mike is doing about the same thing. After the double spins, we're both on ordinary, everyday, three-run strategies: get a clean run, then go nuts, then correct mistakes.

Mike has me by more than a second in the second (virtually, the first) runs, and this is a hopeless amount for me. I go black during the interim between runs. I dig deeper and find just a tiny bit more (discipline, finesse, planning, visualization, ZEN) and I'm really close on the third (virtual second) runs. I know the key to the whole thing is the long straight: I must ABSOLUTELY not PUSH getting into that straight, and I must ABSOLUTELY hold the gas pedal down until the ABSOLUTE last moment, then stay JUST OUT of the stupid ABS, then carry as much speed into the hairy sweeper at the end of the straight as I possibly can, being really careful not to PUSH anywhere and not to miss ANY apex cones by more than an inch. Only a fellow autocrosser can know, first-hand, how hard it is to enter a corner slowly enough so as to guarantee a good exit and how hard it is to get the apexes, especially on the right-hand side.

Let this be a lesson, because it doesn't get any closer than this. That's how I won the season: slow in, hard out. I made a bunch of mistakes earlier in the season. But, with some lucky course design, the basics paid off.

Autocross Date: xxx

Points battle too close to call! Just some quick, late-breaking news until I can get the official results copied here. There have been two SCCA events since the Enduro. The finishing orders, among the contender's for the year-end championship in Street Mod, were:

Mike Gruber
Brian Beckman (lost by a cone)
Doug Braun
Doug Braun (on Hoosiers in the rain!)
Brian Beckman 
Mike Gruber (lost by a cone)
This leaves each of us with 398 points, Mike ahead of Brian by 0.06 points, and Brian ahead of Doug by 0.60 points. It doesn't get a whole lot closer than this. There are two events to go for the year, and it's still anyone's season.

Autocross Date: 8 August 1999

Back to my winning ways! This was an "Enduro", in which all runs are taken at once, lap-style. It's very nice to set up a rhythm and then have the time to choose where one takes chances instead of having to just go completely nuts on every run.

I ran out-of-order, in Open Street (a local WWSCC class) in the morning, when it was cool and damp. The rest of the class ran in the hot afternoon, when the asphalt was potentially more sticky. However, I have seen the Kent lot behave backwards, so that the lot is faster when the air is cool. Be that as it may, my competitors had little luck convincing the event chair that I had an unfair advantage and my win will stand.

 1 T Brian Beckman        6   98  Mallett Corvette   45.091        44.826        44.635       100.000 
 2 T Geoff Clark         21   79  Mazda 626          47.847        50.494(1,0)   47.699        93.576 
 3   Guy Selle           47   72  Datsun 510         48.189        47.850        48.261        93.281 
 4   Perry Hartman      147   72  Datsun 510         49.477         DNF           DNF          90.214 
 5   Bob Wheeler         94   91  Honda Civic        52.624        53.186        51.901        86.000 
 6   Kailee Wheeler     144   92  Mazda MX3          54.735        55.018(1,0)   56.714(1,0)   81.547 

The pesky BSP guys ran about 1.5 seconds faster than me (AGAIN!) in the afternoon. It's hard to say how much of the difference was driving versus course conditions, but, all things being equal, they have been beating my times rather consistently. I will have to work harder on my driving to catch them. After a little time spent being overaggressive, I've got it toned back down again and will just approach from the basics: looking ahead, anticipating, being smooth on the controls. I do know I need to get better at "tossing" the car in very slow transitions. I am certain that some of the faster guys are better at this skill. So, I was ninth fastest (out of 103) for the day.

  Top Times
 1 Ron Babb                  MB          40.936
 2 Karen Babb                WMOD        41.057
 3 Chris Imbeau              PC          42.605
 4 L. J. Moffet              IA          43.194
 5 Mike Lillejord            PRO         43.932
 6 Kevin Dietz               PRO         44.012
 7 Glen Hernandez            PRO         44.049
 8 Val Korry                 IA          44.300
 9 Brian Beckman             OS          44.635
10 Bret Dodson               PRO         44.761
11 Larry Imbeau              PC          44.781
12 Angela Lord               IA          44.806

Hillclimb Date: 3 July 1999

A class win in my first hillclimb! Just four tenths shy of a course record for my class at 121.96 seconds, my best run was spittin' distance from the coveted two-minute mark. Very few streetable cars have made the hill in less than two minutes. For that matter, very few non-streetable cars have done that, either.

I just got back from the Larison Rock hillclimb, hosted by the incredibly nice folks of the Northwest Hillclimb Association (NHA). This was the 13th annual running of the event. It's a beautiful spot just outside of Oakridge, OR, about halfway between Bend and Klamath Falls on Highway 58.

I went with the goal of merely surviving, since hillclimbs are a step up in risk from autocrossing. If you go off the road, you are DEFINITELY going to wreck your car. Hillclimbs are also faster: although this one was among the slowest of the climbs hosted by NHA, there were at least three good spots for third gear. Formula cars have been routinely clocked over 85 mph, and many street cars are going nearly 80.

The road has 23 turns, many of them blind and off-camber. It is essential to memorize the course and pre-drive it mentally. Just like autocross, only faster and riskier. COOL!

Autocross Date: 20 Jun 1999

Pride goeth before the fall! Ok, ok, so I got beaten by Mike Gruber in his Supercharged MR2. Great drive by Mike! I got loose in a fast left-hander on a patch of gravel, and was heading for a certain gate penalty. It's possible I was applying too much power too early in the corner. In any event, I decided to do a 360 and make the gate, and that left the door open for Mike and Doug Braun in his Pantera to beat me. Mike got me by 4 tenths or so, and Doug didn't improve, staying about 2 tenths back. I was trying very hard to beat the BSP times, which were more than 1.5 seconds faster than my best. This is a more typical situation for me than last week, but I know what I need to do: smooth out, especially with the brakes, and look further down the course. I was really working hard on both things when I had my little moment. Next week, Bremerton, where the Kumhos stick better.

  SM       Street Mod
 1 T Mike Gruber          2   88  Toyota MR2 s/c     63.190        62.166        61.117       100.000 
 2 T Brian Beckman      161   98  Mallett Vette      62.949        61.569        67.890        99.266 
 3 T Doug Braun           4   73  DeTomaso Pantera   68.286(3,0)   61.634        61.715        99.161 
 4   Guy Selle           47   71  Datsun 510         68.597(1,0)   65.811        66.905(1,0)   92.867 
 5   Geoff Clark         21   79  Mazda 626          71.406        70.735(2,0)   67.076        91.116 
 6   Denny Organ         14       Ford Mustang       72.459        68.628        68.349        89.419 
 7   Bill Thatcher       77   77  Pontiac T.A.       71.917(1,0)   87.516(4,1)   70.204(1,0)   87.056 

Autocross Date: 13 Jun 1999

Fastest Among All Street Cars! The one car that beat me is a Griffith Formula car, driven by two Nationally competitive drivers. Many of the other Nationally competitive drivers were in California for the weekend, but I beat several drivers that I normally don't beat. Great day for me!

Here are the top 30. There are some well known names in the autocross community, here:

Rank Time Class Driver Car
1 42.359 WM Susan Hagaman yellow '83 Griffith GR2
2 42.642 MA Kenny Richins '83 Griffith GR2
3 46.81 OS Brian Beckman Pewter '98 Mallet 435 Corvette
4 47.071 PRO Fast Mike Lillejord Black '93 Mazda RX-7 Twin Turbo '93+
5 47.567 OS Mike Gruber Copper '88 Toyota MR2 Turbo/SC
6 47.654 IA LJ Moffet Very Purple '89 Chevrolet Corvette (85+)
7 47.7 PRO Alan Dahl '99 Mazda Miata 1.8L
8 47.958 IA Angela Lord Very Purple '89 Chevrolet Corvette (85+)
9 48.357 IB scott west gold '81 Mazda RX-7 nonturbo
10 48.559 PRO Jerry Jenkins '94 Mazda Miata 1.8L
11 48.945 IA Steve Downing '89 Porsche 911 (nonturbo 2WD)
12 48.99 IC Stacey Molleker '99 Plymouth Neon
13 49.158 MA Jim Boemler Red '95 Kart F125
14 49.279 IA Peter Wong Blue '97 Dodge Viper
15 49.341 SC Tom McCullough '93 Toyota MR2 (NOC)
16 49.367 OS Racer X Chevrolet Corvette (85+)
17 49.368 SD David Jensen blue '95 Plymouth Neon ACR
18 49.377 IC Chris Grivas Black '93 Honda Civic del Sol
19 49.404 IB Paul Lammer '81 Mazda RX-7 nonturbo
20 49.443 PRO Bret Dodson '96 Mazda Miata 1.8L
21 49.509 IC Quinn Campbell Blue '84 Volkswagen Jetta GLi
22 49.579 WIC Laura Molleker '99 Plymouth Neon
23 49.693 SD Milton Horst Green '96 BMW 318ti (95+)
24 49.76 SC Brian Norton Red/White '91 Toyota MR2 Turbo/SC
25 49.765 IB Rob Schnell Gray '84 Mazda RX-7 nonturbo
26 49.837 SA Don Lillejord Black '93 Mazda RX-7 Twin Turbo '93+
27 49.837 TO Mark LaCombe Gold '79 Ford Fiesta
28 49.867 IB Randy Ayers White '78 Datsun 280Z
29 49.88 IB Scott Chytil '81 Mazda RX-7 nonturbo
30 49.932 SA Scott Main Red '97 Chevrolet Corvette (85+)

Autocross date: 30 May 1999

The second win in as many tries in SCCA Regional competition. It took me to my third run to beat Mike and Doug, who are very tough competitors. I was 23d fastest overall, out of 178. Not as good as last time, but enough to win. What the hey!

  SM       Street Mod
 1 T Brian Beckman      161   98  Mallett Vette      49.530(1,0)   47.174        45.742       100.000 
 2 T Mike Gruber          2   88  Toyota MR2 s/c     46.824        47.883        46.967        97.689 
 3   Doug Braun           4   73  DeTomaso Pantera   48.443        46.962        47.119        97.402 
 4   Guy Selle           47   71  Datsun 510         50.438        71.856(0,1)    DNS          90.690 
 5   Geoff Clark         21   79  Mazda 626          55.714(2,0)   50.438        52.421(1,0)   90.690 

Autocross date: 25 April 1999

I missed the first SCCA Regional event of the '99 season due to its running till 8pm. But, at the second event, I had a very good run and a surprise win. I was also 9th fastest overall out of 194, beaten only by karts, Scotty White, a former student of mine(!), and Mike Lillejord, who is on a National Championship trajectory this year.

  SM       Street Mod
 1 T Brian Beckman      161   98  Mallett Vette      49.492        48.624        50.295(1,0)  100.000 
 2 T Doug Braun           4   73  DeTomaso Pantera   69.701(2,0)   48.830        48.813        99.613 
 3   Mike Gruber          2   88  Toyota MR2 s/c     50.030        49.203        49.038        99.156 
 4   Craig Ranta        296   78  Porsche 911        50.434        52.700(1,0)   50.810        96.411 
 5   Guy Selle           47   71  Datsun 510         52.670        51.830        51.595        94.242 
 6   Geoff Clark         21   79  Mazda 626          53.763        52.649        54.853(1,0)   92.355 

Autocross date: 18 Oct 1998

The second outing of "me & my Mallett" produced great results as i'm learning the car & remembering a bit more about how-to-drive :-) I beat both Vipers present in raw time, though lost slightly on PAX time due to the .882 (BMod) PAX i must eat according to SCCA rules. This is not a problem, since if i'd beat John on PAX, he'd be much more angry at me than he is (just kidding: this is all in fun). It's also not a problem for next year, when I'm planning on running R-rated rubber in the Regional Street Mod class for cars with cams & strokes, etc.

The Mallett was the fastest car on street tires by far (1.3 seconds to John's Viper RT/10), in raw time.

I might also have had a much more difficult time with Peter (who was on R-rated tires) if the track had been drier when he ran (it was damp for Peter and dry for me).

Name            Car          Class       Raw Time  PAX        PAX Time
Brian Beckman   Mallett 435  Street Tire 58.445    .882 (BM)  51.548
Peter Wong      Viper GTS    ASP         58.592    NA         NA
John Scarrow    Viper RT/10  Street Tire 59.786    .859 (ASP) 51.356

See ya in the Springtime!

Autocross date: 4 Oct 1998

I took a new Mallett 435 to the SCCA autocrosses today (4 Oct 1998) for its first run at true anger. I ran it in Street-Tire class on the stock Goodyears (275-40-17 F, 315-35-17 R). This was just my first sorting-out run with it, so I wasn't looking to win out of the box. I was very pleased. Numbers first, followed by some narrative:

Num.   Car           Raw      PAX    Final
#209   SVT Contour   74.595   .794   59.228
#161   Mallett 435   71.194   .882   62.793
#12    MR-2 Turbo    76.288   .809   61.717

So, my raw times were 3.5 to 5 seconds better than the next best car on street tires. A stock C5 was running 73s about the same time of day on street tires in another class.

Later in the day, after the track had dried, warmed up, gotten some of the dirt and dust blown off, and gotten a little rubber down, the ASP guys ran. Here are their numbers:

 ASP       A Stree Prepared
 1 T  Doug Hebenthal       181   93Porsche    911 RSA       64.396
 2 T  Randy Wells          10    72Porsche    911 S         65.983
 3 T  Peter Wong           29    97Dodge      Viper GTS     66.624

So, I got my butt kicked, no two ways about it. There's another event on the 18th. I'll run the full-tread tires again, in Street Tire class, and try to get as close to the Viper as I can. I'll run in the afternoon, then, so there will be some chance of evening up the course conditions.

Results Repository

The full results can be found on the WWSCC home page.
