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The Scorpion Hall of Magistrates

Ah, most noble samurai, welcome to my humble dwelling. I must say, i do not recieve visitors much these days. Noboby has use for an old man like me. Frankly, I think they are just scared.

I mean, I have lived twice as long as most men. I have lied through the most important battles since the First Day of Thunder. I have been a scourge on my foes.

But, I am near death now. I know I am not long for this world. Thus, I have invited you in. I wish to pass on the story of my life. Please, browse through these scrolls and remember.
Your host,
Bayushi Daikage, Emerald Magistrate

The Memoires of Bayushi Daikage * Character Stats * The Others * The Halls of the Dead * Images * Campaign Journal and An Alternate * Quotes Page

Added the short story Legacy of Shadows, which tells the story of Bayushi Daikage's death (soon after the events of session 16). Moved Daikage to the Halls of the Dead. Removed reference to the journals on this site, as none of the journals have been written yet. Updated the stats fro Mahe, Sjinji, and Ishuyabu. New campaign journal update. Chikozu added to the Others Section.

Last Updated: June 3, 2003

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