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Néytoe ínglish

Miy utémpt at reyfórming dey inglish rítn láyngwij. Wiy?
My attempt at reforming the English written language. Why?
On dis payj
On This page



Sámpl tekst
Sample Text

On dis siyt
On this site

Réyznz too rufórm ínglish
Reasons to reform English

Mor ínfoe in néytoe ínglish óenley

Údr siytz
Other sites

Símplifiyd spéling susíyitey
Simplified Spelling Society

Xey umérikn líturisey kównsl
The American Literacy Council

Spéling reyfórm leynk payj
Spelling reform link page


Klipd chekd spéling/Clipped checked spelling

Spel Riet

Yuuniform Inglish

Mor rufórm planz
More reform plans

Moest kómn mispélingz on íntrnet nóozgroopz
Most common misspellings on internet newsgroups

U nástey spéling test
A nasty spelling test

Ínglish iz tuf stuf
English is tough stuff


Ínglish iz u kráyzey láyngwij
English is a crazy language

Dey óthr
The author


Dey 44 too 47 ínglish sowndz

Noet: áksent markz ar ópshnl



The 44 to 47 English Sounds

Note: accent marks are optional



K ómn oeld spélingz
Common old spellings
Oeld igzámplz
Old examples
Noo spéling
New spelling
Noo igzámplz
New examples
a bat, plaid a bat, plad
e, ea bet, lead ( the metal ) e bet, led
i, y hit i hit
o, a bother, father, cot/caught o bódr, fódr, kot
u, uh, a, o but/butt, a, alike, love u but, u, ulíyk, luv



a...e, ai, ay, ea hate, great/grate ay hayt, grayt
ee, ea, y, e...e reed/read ( present ), eat ey reyd, eyt
i..e, igh, y fine, light, bi-/buy/by/bye iy fiyn, liyt, biy
o...e, oa, oe vote, boat oe voet, boet  
u...e, eu, ew, ue cue/queue ue kue



er, or, ur, our runner, urgent, color/colour ur/r rúnr, úrjnt, kúlr
ar are, car ar ar, kar
air, are, err hair, care, merry er her, ker, mérey
eer, ear, ere beer, near eer beer, neer
or, oar, ore, oor, our more, for/four, poor or mor, for, por



ou, ow noun, cow ow nown, kow
oi, oy groin, toy oy groyn, toy
oo, eu, ew, u, o, ou moon, to/too/two, coupe oo moon, too, koop
oo, u book, put oo book, poot



sh, ch, ti, ssi ship, machine, nation, mission sh ship, mushéyn, náyshn, míshn
ng sing, long, finger ng ng, long, fingr
ch, tch, t check, match, nature ch chek, mach, náychr
th think but not this th theynk but not dis
th this but not think d dis but not theynk
si, zi, z, g vision, azure, genre zy zyun, uzyúr, zyónru
b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, y and z: 
Ues uncháynjd

Kérful: Doo not riyt "s" wer xu sownd iz "z". Doo not riyt "g" wer xu sownd iz "j". Doo not riyt "th" wer xu sownd iz "d".

b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, y, and z:
Use unchanged

4: Careful: Do not write s where the sound is z. Do not write g where the sound is j. Do not write th where the sound is d.

Sámpl tekst

"Jábrwokey" biy Lewis Carroll

Twuz brílig, and du slíydey toevz 
Did giyr and gímbl in du wayb. 
Ol mímzy wur du bórugoevz 
And du moem rathz owtgráyb

"Beywér du jábrwok, miy sun, 
Du joz dat biyt, du teyth dat kach. 
Beywér du júbjub burd and shun 
Du fróomyus bándrsnach."

Hey tuuk hiz vórpl sord in hand, 
Long tiym du mánksoem foe hey sot, 
Den réstid hey biy du túmtum trey, 
And stuud uwíyl in thot.

And az in úfish thot hey stuud, 
Du jábrwok, with iyz uv flaym 
Kaym wífling throo du túulgey wuud 
And búrbld az it kaym.

Wun too, wun too, and throo and throo, 
Du vórpl blayd went sníkr-snak. 
Hey left it ded, and with itz hed, 
Hey went gulúmfing bak.

"And hast dow slayn du jábrwok? 
Kum too miy armz, miy béymish boy! 
Oe frábjus day! Kulóo! Kuláy!" 
Hey chórtld in hiz joy.

Twuz brílig, and du slíyxey toevz 
Did giyr and gímbl in du wayb 
Ol mímzy wur du bórugoevz 
And du moem rathz owtgráyb 

Sample Text

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son
The jaws that bite, the teeth that catch.
Beware the jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious bandersnatch."

He took his vorpal sword in hand,
Long time the manxome foe he sought,
Then rested he by the tum-tum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgy wood,
And burbled as it came.

One two, one two, and through and through,
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack.
He left it dead, and with its head,
He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe.

This site of the

Spelling Reform Ring

is owned by

Brian Schend

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