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Aviation Museums in Washington State

P40 Warhawk Museum, Caldwell, Idaho
On the freeway between Nampa and Caldwell, Idaho, this is a great little museum. It includes tons of WWII memorabilia including manuals, flight suits, all kinds of equipment such as aircraft engines and 4 or more airplanes. OK, it's not in Washington, but it's close and cool. You can land and park your plane right in front of the museum hangar.
Pearson Air Museum, Vancouver, Washington
This museum is developing a pre WWII Air Corps field. Standby for more info. "Our museum is located at historic Pearson Field and the center taxiway leads right up to the apron outside of our gift shop. You cannot miss the museum, two large hangars with black and gold checkerboard rooftops. The runway length at Pearson is 3200' with a 400' grass overrun. Our unicom is 123.0 and we are a Class C airspace, which requires a call to PDX on 119.0 for any advisories of heavy traffic going into Portland."
Olympic Flight Museum, Olympia, Washington
Warbirds galore. "Thanks for your inquiry to the Olympic Flight Museum. We are indeed accessible by plane, located at the Olympia Regional Airport (OLM). We are open daily from noon to 5:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 Adults, children 7-12 are $3.00, under 6 is Free. Contact the Tower upon arrival and they will direct you to us. You will see MUSEUM painted on the hangar door. Come visit!"
The Yakima Airport (a small one, folks) is home to the McAllister Museum of Aviation, founded by Charlie McAllister (1926-1988), a well-know pioneer aviator. Orville Wright signed McAllister's original pilot license; he also knew astronaut Bonnie Dunbar from Sunnyside nearby.

Please Add a Washington State Aviation Museum Website to This Page

I have about a dozen more museums to add to this page. If you know of an aviation museum located in Washington State that is not listed here, please add it in the box provided below. I will post any museum website within 100 miles of Washington State. I am especially interested in museums which are accessible by private plane. I'm using the most sophisticated search engines on the web, but I'm having a hard time finding museums I know exist and have located before. Search engines are changing and are making it harder to find non-commercial sites and sites which do not aggressively pursue (and pay) the search engines.

  • I am especially interested in museums which are accessible by private plane.
  • I am also interested in museums not on the web which are accessible by private plane.
  • I am REALLY interested in small out of the way, hidden museums.


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