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The Preacher skipped church to go to the mountains to do some bear hunting one Sunday. As he rounded a curve in the trail, he ran head on into a bear. He slipped off the trail and down the side of the mountain and landed against a big rock. His riffle barrel was bent and his leg was broken. He noticed that the bear was about to arrive, so he began to pray. "I'm sorry for skipping church, please forgive me and make that bear a Christian." All of a sudden, the bear fell on his knees, clasped his paws together and said, "God, bless this food I am about to eat." Two backpackers were hiking in the woods when they saw a bear charging at them. One of them jerked off his hiking boots and put on his running shoes. His buddy said, "you will never out run that bear." The first one replied, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you. "A 'fair-haired young lady' had heard a lot and even read a little about ice fishing and thought she would give it a try. She remembered seeing a large area of ice earlier in the Winter and after gathering up a stool, a saw, some bait and rod and reel, she returned to the spot. She sat her stool down, got out her equipment, and begin to cut a hole in the ice. From up above, she heard a loud voice saying,"There are no fish there." She gathered everything up and went down to the other end and began to cut a hole in the ice when once again she heard the voice saying," There are no fish there." Well this time she picked up everything and went to the other side. Once again she heard the voice from above saying,"There are no fish there." She looked up and asked, "are you God?" The voice comes back and says, "No, but I do own the skating rink and I know there are no fish there."