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James' page

Hi. This is my new page.

I hope you read all the stuff that happens in hear. I hope that there will be some stuff that will happen in hear. Well I am a victim of all types of abuse. It sounds like a make a joke of that, but I have suffered through it all.

I will have my story up hear when I work up the energy to it but it will be soon.

I would like to thank first of all God, because through him all things are possible. I would like to thank my beautiful wife for giving me the love that I have craved. My brother's wife, for letting me use her computer and keeping her up all night FROM THAT INCESSANT TAPING:-). Last and most certainly least :') Christian Peterson, because he is the one who showed me how, and gave me the strength to let my story out. May God bless you all.

Well Thanks for visiting. See Ya'll real soon.

Linda's Corral Spirit Award
"Spirit Award"

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