©1999/2000 oni666@hotmail.com
Here's what the creator of "The Hampster Dance" had to say about "The Girlie Dance"!
"I created the Hamster Dance as a fun child safe site. Now many people want to change it to have something to do with sex and or porn...Personally I am not happy with any of this."
This Offensive Dancing Pages Web Ring Site is owned by Oni666 Previous Next Random Site List Site Join Ring
The Girlie Dance has been ripped off! As any repeat visitors would know, The Girlie Dance has been up for almost a year now! Someone had the nerve not only to directly copy this page, but to post it in the offensive dancing pages webring as well!!! Please, support The Girliedance and bombard this impostor with e-mail!
The offender, "Dancing Ladies page" His adress: wolven_chaos@yahoo.com
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