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Barbs, Danios, and Cyprinids



This is a list of the fish in this section:

  • Tiger Barbs
  • Tin Foil Barbs
  • Harlequin Rasbora
  • Zebra Danio


    Species: Barbus tetrazona
    Common name: Tiger Barb
    Size: 2½ in (6cm)
    Behavior: Fin-nipper; Do not mix with angelfish or gouramis
    Communities: good community fish, keep in groups to avoid fin nipping
    Water: Neutral to slightly Acidic
    Habitat: S.E. ASIA; streams and rivers of Sumatra, Indonesia, and Borneo
    Care: easy to care for




    Species: Barbus schwanenfeldi
    Common Name: Tin Foil Barb
    Size: 12 in (30 cm)
    Behavior: Active fish, needs space
    Communities good, grows quite large
    Water: Neutral to slightly acidic
    Habitat: S.E. ASIAN Islands; rivers and lakes in Borneo, Sumatra; also Thailand
    Care: easy to care for




    Species: Rasbora heteromorpha
    Common Name: Harlequin Rasbora
    Size: 1½ in (4cm)
    Behavior: very peaceful
    Communities: excellent
    Water: Neutral to slightly acidic
    Habitat: S.E. ASIA; forest streams and rivers in Thailand, Malaysia, and Sumatra
    Care: moderate




    Species: Brachydanio rerio
    Common Name: Zebra Danio
    Size: 1¼ (4.5 cm)
    Behavior: peaceful and active
    Communities: excellent, likes to school
    Water: not critical
    Habitat: MAINLAND SOUTH ASIA: east India
    Care: easy


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