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Achard, Marcel(1899-1974) -- French playwright and screenwriter.
Addison, Joseph(1672-1719) -- English essayist, poet.
Allen, Woody(1935- ) -- U.S. film director, screenwriter, actor, comedian, jazz clarinetist.
Aristotle(384-322 B.C.) -- Greek philosopher.
Armstrong, Louis(1901-1971) -- U.S. jazz trumpeter, bandleader, singer.
Bacharach, Burt(1929- ) -- U.S. composer.
Bacon, Francis(1561-1626) -- English philosopher, essayist.
Balanchine, George(1903-1983) -- Russian-born U.S. ballet dancer, choreographer.
Barrie, J. M.(1860-1937) -- British playwright, author on "Peter Pan".
Beecher, Henry Ward(1813-1887) -- U.S. clergyman, writer.
Bishop, Morris(1893-1973) -- U.S. professor of Medieval literature and light-verse poet.
Bleasdale, Alan(1946- ) -- British playwright.
Blount Jr., Roy(1942- ) -- U.S. humorist, sportswriter, poet.
Bohr, Niels(1885-1962) -- Danish physicist (Nobel laureate for physics, 1922).
Boorstin, Daniel J.(1914- ) -- U.S. historian.
Bowen, Elizabeth(1899-1973) -- Irish-born British novelist.
Bruner, Jerome S.(1915- ) -- U.S. psychologist, author, educational reformer.
Burr, Aaron(1756-1836) -- U.S. politician, Vice President(1801-1805).
Butler, Samuel(1835-1902) -- British novelist, essayist, painter, composer.
Chandler, Raymond(1888-1959) -- U.S. crime-fiction writer.
Chanel, Coco(1883-1971) -- French fashion designer.
Chaplin, Charlie(1889-1977) -- British-born actor, director, and producer, 1916.
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith(1874-1936) -- British essayist, novelist.
Churchill, Winston(1874-1965) -- British statesman, writer (Nobellaureate in literature, 1953).
Clancy, Tom(1947- ) -- U.S. novelist.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor(1772-1834) -- English poet, critic, philosopher.
Colton, Charles Caleb(1780-1832) -- English author, clergyman, essayist.
Connolly, Cyril(1903-1974) -- British journalist, editor, writer.
Davies, William Henry(1871-1940) -- Welsh poet.
da Vinci, Leonardo(1452-1519) -- Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and inventor.
Dawkins, Richard(1941- ) -- British zoologist, writer.
Duchamp, Marcel(1887-1968) -- French artist.
Duhamel, Georges(1884-1966) -- French writer and physician.
Dylan, Bob(1941- ) -- U.S. singer, songwriter.
Eban, Abba(1915- ) -- South African-born, Israeli diplomat and statesman.
Einstein, Albert(1879-1955) -- German-born U.S. theoretical physicist.
Ellington, Duke(1899-1974) -- U.S. jazz pianist, composer, bandleader.
Fiedler, Edgar R.(?-?) -- U.S. economist, government economic advisor, investment fund manager.
Flaubert, Gustave(1821-1880) -- French novelist.
Franklin, Benjamin(1706-1790) -- U.S. scientist, diplomat, publisher.
Fuller, R. Buckminster(1895-1983) -- U.S. inventor, architect, engineer, writer.
Galbraith, John Kenneth(1908- ) -- Canada-born U.S. economist, author, diplomat.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins(1860-1935) -- U.S. feminist, journalist, biographer, poet.
Goldwyn, Samuel(1882-1974) -- Polish-born U.S. film producer.
Graham, Katharine(1917- ) -- U.S. newspaper executive.
Gyatso, [Dalai Lama] Tenzin(1935- ) -- Tibetan spiritual and political leader.
Hampton, Christopher(1946- ) -- British writer and dramatist.
Haskins, Charles Homer(1870-1937) -- U.S. historian, medievalist.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel(1804-1864) -- U.S. writer.
Heller, Joseph(1929-1999) -- U.S. novelist.
Hickey, William(mid-late 18th century) -- British lawyer, colonial administrator in India, memoirist.
Hitchcock, Alfred(1899-1980) -- Anglo-American director, screenwriter and producer.
Hockney, David(1937- ) -- British painter, draftsman, photographer, and set designer.
Hofmann, Hans(1880-1966) -- German-born U.S. painter and art teacher.
Holst, Gustav(1874-1934) -- British composer.
Holtz, Lou(1937- ) -- U.S. Football coach.
Humphrey, Hubert H.(1911-1978) -- U.S. senator, Vice President.
Huxley, Aldous(1894-1963) -- British novelist.
Ionesco, Eugene(1912-1994) -- Romanian-born French dramatist.
James, Henry(1843-1916) -- U.S. novelist.
Jameson, Storm(1891-1986) -- English novelist, journalist.
Jefferson, Thomas(1743-1826) -- 3rd U.S. president.
Johnson, Samuel(1709-1784) -- English lexicographer, essayist, poet.
Jong, Erica(1942- ) -- U.S. author.
Keynes, John Maynard(1883-1946) -- English economist.
Kissinger, Henry(1923- ) -- German-born, U.S.A. political scientist, foreign-policy advisor, and Secretary of State.
Lefebvre, Henri(1905-1994) -- French sociologist and philosopher.
Lehrer, Tom(1928- ) -- U.S. humorous songwriter, singer.
Mahfouz, Naguib(1911- ) -- Egyptian writer, winner of 1988 Nobel Prize for literature.
Marx, Groucho(1890-1977) -- U.S. actor, comedian, television,personality, writer.
Maslow, Abraham(1903-1970) -- U.S. psychologist.
Matisse, Henri(1868-1954) -- French artist.
Mayo, Charles H.(1865-1939) -- U.S. surgeon.
Menninger, Karl(1893-1990) -- U.S. psychiatrist.
Miller, Henry(1891-1980) -- U.S. writer.
Moore, Henry(1898-1986) -- British sculptor.
Moore, John(?-?) -- U.S. comedy writer.
Murphy, Robert C.(1888-1973) -- U.S. naturalist and environmental activist.
Newton, Sir Isaac(1642-1727) -- English philosopher, mathematician.
Peter, Laurence J.(1919-1990) -- Canadian-US educator, author.
Ruskin, John(1819-1900) -- English art critic and author.
Russell, Bertrand(1872-1970) -- British philosopher, mathematician.
Santayana, George(1863-1952) -- U.S. philosopher, poet.
Sargent, John Singer(1856-1925) -- U.S. painter.
Shakespeare, William(1564-1616) -- English dramatist.
Shaw, George Bernard(1856-1950) -- Irish playwright, critic.
Shenstone, William(1714-1763) -- English poet.
Sibelius, Jean(1865-1957) -- Finnish composer.
Simmons, Jake(1901-1981) -- U.S. industrialist.
Siroker, Joseph(?-?) -- coffee house chess player and guru.
Smith, Logan Pearsall(1865-1946) -- United States-born British, essayist, biographer, critic.
Steinbeck, John(1902-1968) -- U.S. author, novelist.
Svevo, Italo[Ettore Schmitz](1861-1928) -- Italian novelist.
Thomas, Lewis(1913-1993) -- U.S. physician, essayist.
Trevor-Roper, Hugh(1914- ) -- British historian.
Truman, Harry S.(1884-1972) -- 33rd President of the United States.
Twain, Mark(1835-1910) -- U.S. humorist, writer.
Vidal, Gore(1925- ) -- U.S. novelist, playwright, critic.
Voltaire(1694-1778) -- French philosopher.
Wharton, Edith(1862-1937) -- American writer.
Whitmen, Walt(1819-1892) -- U.S. poet.
Wilde, Oscar(1854-1900) -- Anglo-Irish playwright, author.
Wolfgang Von Goethe, Johann(1749-1832) -- German writer and scientist.
Wright, Frank Lloyd(1869-1959) -- U.S. architect.
Zappa, Frank(1940-1993) -- U.S. musician and composer .
Zeno of Cetium(336-264 B.C.) -- Greek philosopher, founder of the Stoic school.

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