Consultant Pharmacist
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Consultant Pharmacist

Richard Molitor, R.Ph.

pills Services Provided:

Welcome! Hello colleagues, I'm still here (Dec 2019)! Welcome to the internet site that has been providing information to pharmacists and other health providers since the days of Mosaic (which is why this has all been coded by hand) and has been bookmarked by providers worldwide. If there's a link you've found to be useful please let me know and I'll add it. Many sites come and go. If you should notice a link is now outdated please let me know. My goal is to revisit and spend some more time with this "dinosaur" site in 2020. I'm still a proud papa as far as this site (one of the original pharmacy sites on the web still standing) goes. It's one of the reasons I was honored with a Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. Sadly, I have to divide what limited time I have between this historical relic as well as my Facebook (where the photos are) and LinkedIn sites.

Some new sites:

There's a world of pharmacy opinions out in the blog-o-sphere! One blog of note is, a well-thought out site pertaining to drug distribution. Dr. Fein's observations and his fans' comments are always interesting.

Additionally, The Thriving Pharmacist written by Michael Deninger from Iowa, is a very well thought out blog which I highly recommend.

Return visitors know of my interest in pain management. Well, there's a great site at which has some VERY GOOD information available.

Here's a site with some useful pediatric dosing information (not always easy to look up). Check out Andrew Makram's Pediatric Dosing Tools Page for some helpful and informative calculation tools.

Speaking of CE. remains an excellent source of free CE for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Test results are instantly transmitted to your NABP results repository for easy review.

What is it with all the product shortages? Check out the CDER's shortages page for the latest in product mismanagement.

Brand new is, a searchable database.

One of my long-time favorite sites: GlobalRPh has some neat dosage calculators, especially for infusion products, body parameters, warfarin dosing, etc.

Consumers as well as busy health professionals will appreciate the clear and concise medical & drug therapy summaries offered at

Paddock Labs has a neat little site for compounding pharmacists complete with formulae, stability studies for their products, and a free (!) Q&A via e-mail. For compounding pharmacists click here for Material Safety Data Sheets.

A site of interest for you or your cancer patients is However, beware as the site will load a few little tumors (aka. "cookies") on your hard drive before loading.

Concerned about drug diversion? So is the DEA. Click here for their newsletters and updates.

rocket P&T Community (formerly Pharmscope) is dedicated to helping pharmaceutical care management professionals.

After years of benign neglect I'm trying to update this site to make it a bit more relevant again. If that doesn't work, well, I guess I'll start sharing pretty photos...

The Orange Book. Helpful for those interested in generic equivalence.

Sometimes you find real treasure with a powersurf. The above sites are masterpieces.

Integrative Products, a purveyor of "natural" medicines, has put the Natural Medicine publication on-line for those who like to keep up on that sort of stuff.

Consumer Info:

Programs to provide medications for indigent patients can be found at PHRMA's Web site or

Professional Info:

Hospital and home infusion colleagues might want to check out Summit PK's pharmacokinetic software (demos and free stuff).

A neat little site to refresh your knowledge on Cytochrome P-450 interactions is here. You can even sign up for a neat (free!) little chart on these interactions.


Follow these links and save over $100's in software and subscriptions (and hours of time in the library):

  • NE Journal of Medicine (abstracts and Weekly Clinical Exercises)
  • FREE PubMed! (excellent research timesaver)
  • A good site for identifying products out of the bottle. (but isn't especially comprehensive)
  • International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. For my convenience only (well, after all, this is my website.)
  • The Internet is three things: A system, a tool, and a culture. The last time mankind created something this comprehensive we called it 'language.'

    In over 37 years of practice I've been involved in a number of exciting and "cutting edge" experiences ranging from the development of home epidural infusions, developing an award-winning home infusion alternative for HIV patients, or preparing human serum eyedrops for lupus patients. All this and a day job too! Yes, I'm the pharmacist who worked with a local pain specialist to develop high dose (beyond Duraclon) intrathecal clonidine/opiate therapy in this area. My paper describing this therapy was presented December 9th, 1997 in Atlanta at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting (which was ages ago). If you're interested in this [history] project (which involves compounding clonidine from powder and instillation into a Synchromed Pump please feel free to contact me for a copy (it's in .rtf format, readable by most word processors). With now in full glory there really are few sites capable of continuing this work. Pity, since that's driven up the cost and accessibility of this very useful therapy.

    Beginning in 1999 we started using more concentrated formulations of hydromorphone, fentanyl, and bupivacaine. E-mail me for further information or pick up a copy of the July/August 2000 edition of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding.

    Since 1996 I've been lecturing pharmacists and physicians across the Pacific Northwest and the country on how to use Internet tools to augment their provision of Pharmaceutical Care (or the more current "Medication Therapy Management"). If you'd like more information about this or any other aspect of cyberpharmaceutics just fill out this form:

    Your name is:

    I am a(n): And I'd like your help with:

    Give me a brief description of your situation:


    Pharmacists do get to take vacations. Unfortunately, with the demise of Geocities and its successor, Reocities, all those old photos have gone poof. But as of 2019 we've visited 6 continents, 45+ countries, and 34 US states (and still counting).black hole

    I subscribe to the HONcode principles
    of the Health On the Net Foundation

    Send email to Richard Molitor for any comments/queries about this site. Or look me up on LinkedIn.