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This page is updated monthly with Treasure Hunting tips submitted by the members of the P.S.T.H.C.

How to Hunt Overgrown Sites

Most sites that you research for relics are usually in an overgrown area. Weeds are waist high, and so thick you can't swing a coil anywhere as close to the ground as you should. Many folks would never try such a site for just a few bullets, and maybe a button or two or an elusive coin. Me on the other hand, if I know there is a relic in a place, I will usually try anything to get to it. There are many others out there like me too. Most of the choices you would have in such an overgrown site are not what you would want to do on somebody's property. If you know the person really good, they might let you use a weed eater to clean the site up a little, or if possible, a bush hog. It would take a lot of work, but there is a simpler technique that I thought up a little while back. It is much easier, and it works! All you need is a large piece of plywood. That’s all. I would make it somewhat like 4' wide by 5' long. This should do the trick. All you do is place the plywood over the weeds, and walk over it a few times, to pack the weeds down. Then, run your detector over the plywood, and you should be close enough to the ground to get to the deep signals. When you get a signal, just simply move the plywood back and dig! This should work in most cases; however, there are a few cases in which this will not work at all. Places that are overgrown like clear cuts, thick cedar and pine thickets, and thorny bush conditions WILL NOT DO YOU A BIT OF GOOD WITH PLYWOOD!! An example of a hard to search site would be a field full of sage. It is usually very thick, and waist high. The plywood trick works good in conditions like this. Sage is easily packed down. I hope this tip might help you a little. How to Hunt Overgrown Sites: Part II By: Daniel Teague It has been a few years since my original article made its way to the Online Treasure Hunter web site. In that time gap, I have been fortunate enough to have several people e-mail me with their success stories from the tip featured in the original article. That is something that will make you smile a big Tennessee grin! However, my tip was lacking a few things that I never realized, until I received an e-mail from a lady by the name of Patty Howard. She brought out some of the problems with my original idea; things that I never thought of. She came up with her own design of a high weed-hunting tool, and I defiantly think it deserves to be told about. First off, Patty brought out the fact that plywood is just too bulky to carry around with you on your hunting trips. I will agree with that 100%. The cost of plywood lacks something to be desired too, especially for doing the purpose of just laying down weeds. Next, plywood is not clear.... we cannot see through it. It is a lot of trouble to remove the plywood to see where exactly to dig. Patty put it together with a simpler, lighter, less costly substitute for plywood. Look no further than the hardware store...for a section of pexi glass! She bought a 3x4 piece of it, and drilled holes in that she could put a nylon rope through the holes, to drag it around with (pretty smart thinking!). Now, not only is this lighter and less costly, but you can also see through it...which makes pinpointing your target less of a chore. Patty, you are a genius! So remember, the next time you arrive at that newly researched site, and find it waist high with weeds...fear no more, with the tool that's ahead of the rest.


