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The truth about the world's most domineering corporation & its plans for world domination.

Welcome to Don't trust the RAT wearing the HAT. People For the Understanding of Disney IS Evil, or PFU-DIE, encourages you to explore this site. Feel free to sign the guestbook (a link is provided below), or e-mail us. Thanks!
strange rat
To the conservative, this site may seem a little strange. However, as time passes, the position of Anti-Disney is becoming more main-stream. Whether the growth of this moment can be cited as the cynical reaction of youth to the expotential growth of the Barney movement and people's immediate hatred of what they saw as a hypocritical "fuzzy" image or to a later movement, the violent reaction of people to "discovered" subliminal messages in Disney's animated films, the truth about Disney is beginning to surface. To learn more about Disney and its true nature, please continue to read on the corresponding pages.

The House Improvement Guide, Part 1:

If you want to get top quality craftsmanship when it comes to Asian furniture, you must know the location where the item was built and what lumber and hardware were used. For instance, Japanese furniture is commonly constructed from reclaimed hardwood and made in Japan, though in some cases in different parts of Asia. Check out a number of antique console tables as an example, which could work well with an antique kitchen hutch. Don't they look a lot better as a group? They've lasted over a generation and will be passed on as heirlooms to the following generation. If you're thinking of home interior decorating ideas, you must know how to invest prudently: purchase superior items that might be around forever. Getting the best value for your money is not only a technique employed when purchasing furniture, but one which is practical when buying other home decor as well, such as your bathroom interiors. When you have an beautiful design for your bathroom, your experience is going to be substantially more relaxing and luxurious. Even so, a number of people will invariably keep to their spending plan, which actually is often a wise strategy. If you need to begin small with wonderful results, you should start with adjusting your bathroom's bathroom light fixtures? Order several energy-conserving lights and ensure that each area is well-lighted. This makes the lavatory appear a lot larger and a lot more spacious than it is. A second great example of this is making use of similar tactics when purchasing mixer attachments for utencils.

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don't trust the RAT wearing the HAT, copyright 1997-1998, PFU-DIE. all rights reserved. all copyrighted items, including ziggy and beetle bailey, belong to their respective owners; PFU-DIE does not own these copyrights, and we assume no liability.

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