UPDATE: 2/21/01
It has been a while since I have updated this page, but it still looks like I've been getting visitors, and I would like to thank everyone for coming to this site. It is very much apreciated. So much has happened to me within the last 2 years and I haven't found time to update this page.
Now what I am about to say has nothing to do with Phantasm. It has to do with my research within the last 2 years. All I ask from you is to keep an open mind.
Three words: NEW WORLD ORDER. Yes, there is so much going in the world right now, and the general public are all kept in the dark. The secret societies such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Comission, and The Bilderberg are advancing in their agenda towards a New World Order. It goes way back to ancient times... Secret societies that posess a great knowledge and keep it secret. The reason for keeping it secret is that fact that if the average man were to know, they would benefit from this secret knowledge. So they use this secret knowledge in symbolism, subliminal messages, etc... to manipulate and decieve society. They create in our minds, a reality which we all live in right now. This is crucial if you want to control masses of people. All of this keeps us in the dark from the hidden agenda. What I am focusing on right now is the opening of the "third eye" and showing people to break free of the state of mind of "sheep" and use your brain to it's full potential. After all, today's society is so controlled and limited, that the average person only uses 10% of their brain.
I am giving you this information as fellow human being who cares about the future, and if you join me in this, we CAN do something about the New World Order. I will have a website soon that will explain much more, but for now I am working on a public access TV show to bring all of this to light. I will have a link on this site to my new page when it's finished, but for now check out these links and search on yahoo.com for more information.
Freedom Domain - Please check this site out
davidicke.com check this site out please.
Thank you very much for listening! Every person counts! Please e-mail me about this!