How To Win The Apartment Management War!
It's only $9.95 when you order it from our new online store, where you can get more information about the property managing business!
Now everyone can learn how to:
- Deal With The Owner/Management Company!
- Motivate Tenants To Do What You Want!
- Evict Drug Dealers Without Using Police!
- Making Money From Tenants!
- How To Handle Abusive Tenants/Visitors!
This book is packed full of little known secrets that no real estate
school will ever teach you! Even if you only use one of our powerful plans
you will become a more effective manager!
Whether you're an apartment manager, assistant manager, a property owner, or
just curious, you'll find invaluable information in "How To Win The Apartment
Management War"!
Ken Gillispie, a management professional with over 25 years of
experience in Residential Management and one of the few "Fix-it"men for
property owners, created this nuts and bolts approach to help you with many
of the built-in problems that plague property managers.
If you own or manage residential property, "How To Win The Apartment Management War"
should be in your office!
Copyright © 2002, by Ken Gillispie
Contact us!