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Tacoma's newest professional quality
live theatre ~
Tacoma's best kept secret

Coming Soon
The Living
March 25 - April 1, 2000

Spirit Theatre Mission Statement

It is our belief that theatre is art, and as art, should reflect, teach, and remind society of our humanity. We are committed to challenging both the actor and the audience. We will be presenting new original pieces, previously written pieces, classics, including Shakespeare, works from diverse cultures, as well as those that inspire change. We will present theatre that is "up close and personal," entertaining and "In your face." Theatre can take on many different faces, and we hope to show you at least some of them. We firmly believe that theatre is art, that art is the soul of any culture, and that "art illuminates the soul."

Allen Auxier &

Jerry Abbott

To contact us:

E-Mail:  Artistic Director
Phone: (253) 627-5862
Web Site Created by Myro:

Spirit Theatre
At The First United Methodist Church
423 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
(Corner of 5th and MLK)
(Near Tacoma General Hospital)
Tacoma, WA 98402



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