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This poem is about Francois Petit, who, in 1971, was drafted into the army and sent to Africa where he got wounded. He became a prisoner of war for almost 6 months and was paralyzed. After being released, he spent 5 months at the VA hospital, being told he would never walk again. But he did not take those words to heart and focused on one goal that would get him walking again. Today, he is a very successful 7th degree Black Belt in several forms, a stunt choreographer, Martial Arts director and movie director. I sent him this poem in November with a kind response from him in December that he and his wife were very touched by the poem and that he would be delighted to read my book when I am finished with it, and that should be by December. Here's keeping the faith for even more excellent results!

His brown eyes shine a light
His warm heart melts a cold soul
He's been through some of the darkest nights
How many of them, I may never know

He's been through Heaven
And he's definitely been through hell
He's a warrior fighting for a cause
And there's one certain way to tell

Rough hands-they've been dragged through the mud
Rough hands-they've been beaten to the ground
Rough hands-they've been drowned in tears
Rough hands-they've been chained and bound

Rough hands-they've been a prisoner of war
Rough hands-they've been set free
Rough hands-they've carried a sword
Rough hands-they've inspired me

And when all is lost
And I feel there's nothing left to believe
And I'm ready to give up
And I see no end to my misery
And I feel that all hope is gone
And I've had enough
I reach out my hands
To touch those hands so rough

And when I'm ready to let go
And collaspe to my knees
I remember those rough hands...those rough hands
Those rough hands that have inspired me

by Sheyla Dyane Fekete