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Memories Live Within Us

Even when the body is no longer the memories are still there..lingering in the background..ready to come forth at the least expected moment...these are some of my memories...

They come from out of the dark into the light and then perhaps fading again-but they are there and I discover them bit by bit using various means...

There is a memory I have seen and it came by me in a past life regression.
Here is what came to me...

"I want you to speak to them! It won't work with the Kohichees."
"They are strong but I must talk to them."
"They won't listen to a woman."
"They've listened before, the wisdom is there. Take me home I must delegate and think. The time has come-the understanding is now."
Light the fire to the sacred hut.
"Understanding is that all you think of!"
"It's my birthright.I am here to help."
"Acceptance is a great part of it. Know me for I am here. Learn in this battle for it is the truth"
"White Dove you speak of nothing else."

"My name is Kihoochu.I am the one who speaks a thousand languages, but it is not for them to know. Their understanding is basic. I rise again and give tribute to the sun, the light is all important. Man need not know all, but then he will conquer all(if he knows). Understand and be wise, there is no need for language even to be used."

And so it Goes....

I have had Native American Indians come to me in my sleep and meditation...I am aware of several who in Spirit have guided me and I thank them. One is a beautiful man from the Chippewah tribes- White Arrow is his name..and he is most happy to heal and guide..When I am in need of help on the physical plane I have often asked the help of these wonderful spirits...I may forget I have actually asked until I find a feather float down from the sky or trip over one on a busy city street. They are there in practicality and for that I am deeply indebted.
I can not be what I am not. I am a white Australian of convict heritage but my past shows me many more things that make up the ME within.

And a Little More...

In the form of notes this is also related to the same memory..

"Kianu-tribe,not as large as the neighbouring tribes but stronger, wiser counsel. Took counsel from the elders and others who influenced decision which was right in doing so.

South of present San Diego nearer Mexico. When father died you thought you would be leader but again wise counsel said a woman would be seen as not as appointed even though you did the work of counselling and interpreting. Brother younger than you but died-28-you then continued but man put in position again. Eventually became elder as your counsel not heeded/needed in that position you had before.

Earlier in life had miscarriage, no children to assuage your position that seemed unfulfilled in childbearing, nurturing became stronger by wisely counselling.
Tribes animals were-owl and bear yet the WOLF you knew and it knew your ways better..."

Take a look at yourself...where are the memories for you...?

Spirit Storm
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