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The Past

Where does the "Past" come from...
If not from our minds and our being there at the time..
Time is not what we think it to be-it is not lineal..but like the chaos of the universe it spirals...
No beginning and no end...

Therefore it is not a matter of whether you believe in reincarnation but that for some reason your mind has given you the images that appear...

Sometimes they are very intense and emotional..
It may come from visiting a place, a museum, reading a book
or just remembering..
The triggers are set..
De ja vu or not..
and we FEEL...

I believe we all create our own REALITY.

I have experienced such a feeling....a very intense "I was there..I know I can feel it deep within my soul"....
This particular instance came when I read Marion Bradley's book-"The Mists of Avalon"(set in ancient Britain it is a fantasy classic-she researched the period very well,by the way)
I know several others who had the same intense feeling-more than whimsical thoughts-having read the book.



I am Talied...

This name was given to me from a past life and of Welsh origin. There was a Welsh bard called Taliesin(sometimes thought of as Merlin)whose name means "Rainbow Brow". I now know that Talied means 'payment' thanks to Tira from Society of Celtic Shamans. Thanks Tira....the name has many metaphysical thoughts attached to it I'm sure!!!

From the past memory of another...

Talied was a shapechanger..who may have lived in the 14th century on the Welsh border..
Perhaps near Dffyd...

She had a small stature but was able to take on the appearance of a tall man as well...
She was NOT a witch..
but followed wiccan a solitary manner...
She was a healer and lived on the outskirts of the village..
One person's memory showed her at the fire..a small girl sat listening..
to the stories she told..
out of the cold the child was warm...
the rabbits that sat at the hearth felt no fear...

To see more about Wicca and the Druids see AVALON

Fellowship of the Earth


Memories of the Past
Back to Reality

Email: Talied