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Welcome to Laurie's Equine Images

Hello, I'm Laurie. Welcome to my online photo album. I've built this site to share photos of my horses, fjord horses, and some wildlife (orcas mostly) with all my friends and anyone who visits. All but three of the photos on this site were taken by me. Please be patient while this loads. I think you'll find it worth it. Thanks for visiting! Oh, by the way, this is a *dragon friendly* site, so don't be surprised when you find them wondering around my site. : )

Watcha lookin at?

This is Tor, my Norwegian Fjord Horse. He is 7 months old in the first two photos. Little did I know the challenges that were in store for me when I got this little beastie! Tor is a very determined, strong willed individual who is totally convinced that the world should work by his rules, and he more than willing to share that opinion with you. It's been a lot of hard work to convince him to work with me, but he's well worth it! The third shot of him was taken when he was 4 years old and quite full of himself!

If you are interested in seeing more Fjords, there's three more pages of them here, don't miss em! You'll find Fjords doing Western, English, Dressage, Driving and Draft. Who says Fjords aren't versatile? I also have a page of fjord related links for you to check out.

This is my 15 year old Quarter horse, Copper. He has been with me his whole life. He's the best horse I've ever had. Lots of personality. A very cool horse!

I've shown Copper since he was about 6 months old. He has been a grand champion halter horse, done western pleasure, trail, been a pleasure horse, and now he's a driving horse. We have even competed in a combined driving event. What a blast! He is also a great friend. We have made a good team over the years.

"Laurie and Copper"

There's something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a man (or woman).
-Sir Winston Churchill

"The Boys"

"you scratch my back......."

"winter play"

"Looking for me?"

My Horses

Fjord Power!

More Fjords

International Fjord Horse Show, Libby, MT, 1999


Awards I've Received

Fjord Horse Links

Links, WebRings, and my Dragon's Weyr

I'm very proud of this award, the first one of it's kind given by Equisite. Thanks Kirsty!

Please take time to sign my guestbook before you leave. I'll visit your site if you do. It's at the bottom of this page. I welcome your comments and suggestions. Thanks again for visiting!

Please do not take any of these pictures or my background without my permission. Thank you.

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Last update: November 21, 2005

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