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Wildlife !

Welcome to my wildlife page. Some of the following photos were taken at a wildlife photography clinic I went to a few years ago. I'll also be adding photos that I've taken of orcas and other wildlife up in the San Juan Islands. This page may take a while so please check back often. Please be patient while this page loads. Thanks.

This was an immature bald eagle we found during the clinic. He was very cooperative. I took several shots of him, but these two are my favorites. I liked the composition of these two with the water in the background and the trees in the foreground, giving the picture depth.

These are snow geese we found at the Skagit Flats. The sound of all these birds taking off is incredible.

Well, I guess he's not exactly wildlife, but I had to include this one. This is Turbo Willy, the mechanical stand in from the Free Willy movies. This was taken in Friday Harbor during the making of Free Willy 2. I was lucky to get this one. By the time our boat had docked they had him covered up and didn't want us taking pictures.

In 1989 I went on my first whale watching trip in the San Juan Islands on the Western Prince. What an incredible experience! I was hooked! The second time I went out the owners of the boat asked me if I was interested in working for them part time. I was stunned! They wanted to pay me to do this!! It didn't matter that I was already working 2 jobs, I was not going to pass this opportunity up. I had a hard time choosing from all my photos for this page, so I tried to get a bit of all kinds of activity I saw over the years. Nothing really spectacular, but lots of great memories. Hope you enjoy them too!

The following two photos are of members of J-Pod.

This photo doesn't do what happened next justice. This was a group from L-Pod, mostly males, just milling about like they were trying to decide what to do next. I guess they decided, because next thing we knew they were all around the boat. It was absolutely breath taking! I gave up on pictures.

"Close Encounters"

"Play Time"

Dall's porpoise body surfing in our boat wake.

Mt. Baker seen from Turn Point.

My Horses

Fjord Power!

More Fjords

International Fjord Horse Show, Libby 1999

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Please do not take any of these pictures without my permission. Thank you.

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