Writer's Realm Writing Ring
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Writer's Realm Writing Ring

Hello and welcome to my webring addition page. First of all you need to see if you are eligible by checking our guidlines below.

1. You must have at least 125 hits in a four month span.
2. Your page must contain most of your own writing and be maintained by
3. You must add the html coding to your web page and keep it there on
either your main page or your page with the writing on it.
4. You need to help out with the ring and it's promotion by helping
others join when asked and promoting your own site and proudly showing
off that you are a part of the Writer's Realm.
5. finally have fun and help make all of our pages grow and prosper from
many more hits to come.

Do you want to get the html code that you need to paste onto your site before your page will be excepted. Remember that you need to put your information in where it is required like where it says _site_id_here_ and things like that.

get the code.

If you qualify for the ring then fill out the following form. After you are added to the queue all you have to do is mail one of our members or me which would be best. Make sure to include your URL and your site id with it and we will look at your site and see if it meets the guidelines. If it does you are in and you will recieve E-Mail verification of it. Fill out the form to be included.


If you are already a member you can add a new user to the ring here.
click on me

You can also edit your page info by clicking right here.
click on me

Thank you for becoming a part of this truly great experience where all of the sites here will better the rest of the sites with more hits and traffic to see what we have worked so hard to dream up and write. Thank you for your cooperation since this ring wouldn't be possible without more than one person.


What you need to do is go to your command bar on your browser and go to view. From there, go to view document source and copy this code and paste it on your site. Then put in the info that is reqired where it asks for your_id_here and _your_name_here_ and your_email_here and things like that. After you have that, you are set to go and you need to mail someone like even mail me and I will add you to the ring. Make sure you keep this code on your page at all times. Thank you!

This Writer's Realm site is owned by Your_Name_Here.

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Email: writersrealm@rocketmail.com