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~*Chapter 1*~

"Hey Nickay!" Brian teased, as they got off the plane in Tampa.

"I warned you Bri, don't call me that," Nick warned, giving him the evil eye.

"Okay, okay, so whatcha doin while we're off?" Brian asked.

"Yo bro, I don't know. Probably just hangin with Heather, that's it," Nick replied.

"Watch it. She's my girlfriend.. so keep your hands off," Brian said.

"And she's my best friend," Nick said. Whenever they talked about Heather, they got to the same topic. Heather had been Nick's best friend since they could remember. It was funny, Nick had never thought of her as more than a friend, and that was exactly how he liked it. She was one of the few he could tell all of his secrets too, and know she would understand. She was also the person to go to with girl problems. Brian had been dating her for 2 years, since he met her from Nick. They'd totally hit it off, and Brian was nervous that since she knew Nick better, she might run off and ditch Brian. They glared one last time at each other, before changing the subjects.

Heather looked at her clock. Nick had promised to call as soon as he got back from his flight. He said he'd be home by 5, and now it was 5:15. She told herself not to worry though, his plane was probably late. He wouldn't forget to call her, she knew that for sure. As if on cue, the phone rang. "Hello?" Heather asked frantically.

"Heath, calm down," her friend Sarah's voice came loud and clear.

"Sar, I'm just expecting a call," Heather said.

"Oh, may I ask if it's from Brian?" Sarah asked curiously.

"No actually, it's Nick," Heather said, smiling at the thought of hearing Nick's voice.

"Ah.. the enchanting Nickolas," Sarah teased.

"No, he's only a friend. We agreed that's all we ever wanted it to be," Heather denied.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Sarah said.

"Sarah! Can I please keep the phone free?!" Heather asked.

"Yeah, sure, call me later," Sarah said hanging up. Heather glanced up, the clock now read, 5:20. She sighed, Nick better call soon.

Nick looked at his car clock. He was late, as usual, and he felt bad. He'd promised Heather he'd call, and he knew she always counted the minutes. He sighed, that was her, always punctual. She'd have to understand, it wasn't his fault. He finally rounded into his driveway, and saw his siblings outside. "Yo bro! What took so long?" Aaron asked jumping up.

"The plane, can't talk," Nick said, running past him. Aaron shrugged, Nick had ignored him lately, and he now accepted it as the stress and pressure of the music business.

Heather sighed. 5:30. Where the hell was Nick. Suddenly, she jumped. The phone was ringing. "Hello?" she asked.

"Sorry Heath-bar, the plane was late," a familiar voice said.

"NICK!" Heather squealed happily.

"Whoa! Calm down, I don't think I've ever gotten that kind of reaction from anyone," Nick laughed.

"How was the concert?" Heather asked.

"Fine," Nick said.

"Tired, huh?" Heather asked, knowing Nick too well.

"Yeah," Nick sighed. "So, did you find any hot girls there?" Heather asked.

"Well, yeah. But they all see me as NICK CARTER: Backstreet Boy. I think you're the only girl who sees me as Nick, just Nick. Well, you and my sisters. I don't think I'll ever find Ms. Right," Nick said miserably.

"That's not true. It just might take time for them to get to know you," Heather said.

"Whatever Heath. I gotta go, my mom's calling me," Nick said, hanging up. Heather sighed. All of Nick's problem seemed to rub off on her. The phone rang again.

"Hello?" She asked, for the third time in the past half hour.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Brian's voice asked, filling her heart yet again.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Doing anything tonight?" he asked suddenly.

"Not really, depends on what you had planned," Heather answered.

"Oh, cause I wanted to know if you would like to have dinner and then see Mission: Impossible 2," Brian offered.

"Maybe, besides, I don't even like action movies," Heather said.

"I know, that will be better for the two of us to 'catch up'," Brian added.

"I don't know about dinner, but maybe the movie part. I'm gonna probably go see Nick tonight, he sounded pretty upset," Heather added. Brian's heart skipped a beat,


"Yeah, you know, Nickolas Carter?" she repeated.

"Oh okay. Well, how bout I pick you up there. Besides, how do you know that they're gonna want you?" Brian asked.

"Because they never cared before. Besides, whenever Nick comes home, they have pizza, and they always have extra," Heather said.

"Okay, fine go see Nick. I'll pick you up there," Brian said hanging up. He thought about calling her back, he thought he'd been a little harsh. He shrugged it off, Heather probably didn't realize. Heather replaced the phone back in its cradle. She'd been shook up with Brian's recent hang up. Usually it was cheerful conversations between the two. Now, she felt sorry for bringing Nick in. Somehow she always brought Nick into their conversations. "Oh well, Nick's a big boy, he can handle it," she sighed, grabbing her cardigan and heading out to her car.

Chapter 2