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~*Chapter 12*~

"Basically, I'm walking out of the relationship, because I'm getting... I don't know," Heather said, after telling Jane the whole story from the past couple days.

"Heather, it sounds like you're scared, you're getting cold feet," Jane commented.

"I don't know what it is. Jane, can I tell you a confession?" Heather asked quietly.

"Sure, what is it?" Jane replied.

"I love him. I do. I don't know why it took me so long to realize it, but I love him. And I don't know how to tell him, and I don't know what to say, I'm so confused. And what if he doesn't like me anymore. What if I've run away so many times, he doesn't like me anymore? Oh no, I could've just ruined the greatest friendship I've ever had, because I'm scared..." Heather said, ranting on.

"Heather, honey, calm down. From the looks of it, Nick still loves you, otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten into this mess. He wouldn't have bothered running after you if he didn't care about you," Jane said, smoothing out Heather's hair.

"Yeah, but do you think that it's more than friends?" Heather asked.

"Maybe you should ask him," Jane answered, nodding toward NIck's hospital room.

"Is there any other choice?" Heather asked, kidding.

"Give it a shot, the worst he can do is shoot you down," Jane replied.

"I guess this is the only choice I have," Heather said, standing up and straightening her shorts, before entering Nick's room. Nick looked up, and realizing it was Heather again, looked away. "Nick, no cold shoulder, I just wanna tell you something," Heather said, sitting in a chair across from Nick.

"What now? Some more lecturing?" Nick replied.

"Nick... this is hard for me, so please just listen," Heather said.

"What?" Nick asked again.

"Nick, can I have your hand?" Heather asked. Nick sighed, but passed his uninjured hand over the edge of the bed. "Nick... I.... I...," she stuttered, entwining her small fingers between his bigger ones, "I love you. It took me a while to figure it out, but I know I love you," Heather said, looking up. When Nick didn't answer, the only thing she could do was sing. She remembered a song they had as "their own" when they were little, and started singing it. Since it was old, she just hoped he would remember it. "...So how can you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume? It isn't easy but I'll try... if you wanted the sun and the moon I'd run across in liters......" She whispered, "To sir, with love."

Nick blinked, and started to smile. "What makes you think I actually believe that?" he asked.

"NICK! I just sang, and you know I can't sing. What more do you want?" Heather asked.

"I don't know, besides, that song is so old, I can't believe you remembered it," he said.

Heather sat in her chair again, thinking up something to make Nick believe her. She jumped up once she thought of it. It was perfect. "Nick, if I didn't love you, would I be able to do this?" she asked, bringing her lips closer to his. Her lips met his, and she finally felt happy. She knew she'd made the right decision.

When she looked up, he just grinned and teased, "That's it?" She sighed, Nick was definitely enjoying this.

"I'm not done," she lied. She kissed him again, before her lips traveled down his neck and back up. She then kissed him passionately before looking up again.

"Um...Heather, I'm still in the hospital. Don't expect to have sex with me tonight," he teased.

"EW!!! Nick! That's gotta be THE grossest thing you've EVER said to me!" she yelped.

Nick laughed, teasing her was his specialty. "So.. are you done?" Nick asked.

"Nick! Don't expect anymore, cuz I'm done with you. That was about as far as I was gonna go, and I wasn't even expecting to kiss you!" she said.

"Aw! That hurt poor Nicky's feelings," Nick said, giving her a sad puppy face.

"Nick, I've gotta go, I think they're about ready to kick me out, and I've gotta call Sarah and thank her," Heather said, standing up.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because she got me to realize how much I truly loved you," she said, leaning down to kiss Nick softly. As she left the room, she felt like she was walking on clouds, she was positive she was in heaven.

~*ChApTeR 13*~
~*ChApTeR 11*~