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~*Chapter 3*~

Christians view: "Get up Christian!" Mark hit his side. "We've got two early shows today and were meeting up with those girls," he said. I picked my head up and rubbed my eyes.

"You know they have boyfriends right?' I asked.

"Yeah the two do. But their boyfriends are big music executives who made it big at a young age. Their bringing them today and hopefully some gorgeous female friends," Mark said with a grin.

"Well I personally like the one hwo seemed a bit down," Ste said.

"She's not your type and your not hers," I said as I walked into the bathroom.

"How would you know Burnsy?" Mark asked. I hated it when they called me that. And they knew I hated it. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door and the subject. We made our way to the entrance of the aprk to meet them. I saw Erin walk up and my heart pounded a little faster than it usually did. I don't know if it was just the joy of talking to someone in the the same situation or maybe love. It couldn't be love, I was through with the love part of my life. Now I'd only be serious with someone if it was necessary to keep the person. A huge part of me wanted to be serious, but I decided a while ago nevber to follow your heart. "Christian," Mark said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah huh?' I asked.

"I just got off the phone with the manager Ste and I have to go in for some paper touch-ups...I guess they canceled the concert cause they had technical diffaculties-" but before he could talk anymore the sound of Erins voice creptup my spine to what I thought was my heart. The girls had brought along two friends whome Mark and Ste found every intresting. Mark and Ste chatted up a storm with Jen and Becky's boyfriends, "Guys can we please get out of here?" Becky complained.

"Of course sweetie," her boyfriend Jamie said. The guys decided to finish up the paperwork and take everyone with them.

"So Christian and Erin we'll meet you two for lunch at Fantasy Land," Mark instructed. So I was on my own with Erin. I promised myself I could handle it.

"So where too first love?' I asked.

"Well what do you think?" she asked me with this smile that could melt the ice-cream right off the cone.

"What?' she asked as we strolled down Main Street.

"Nothing it's just your smile is beautiful," I had to say it.

"I have a beautiful smile huh?' she asked. "Yes a mighty nice one,"I said.

"Christian, are you going to be another bumb in the road?" Sheasked.

"I'm sorry I don't seem to understand love?" I questioned.

"Am I gonna fall in love with you and get my heart broken?" She asked.

"Of course not. I thought you weren't looking for love," I said. "I never said I wasn't looking for's just I didn't think love was looking for me,"she said.

"Well maybe lovces brought you a new friend," I said. We strolled down Main Street. I wanted love to find both of us and at the sae time. I wanted to be a clearing in the maze for her. I just didn't know if her heart or mine could handle it. Erins View: "Maybe that was his slite way of telling me that he just wanted to be friends," I thought to myslef. But it really didn't register. I was too happy to have a person in my life who understood. It was just a question if this person would last. We made our way to the Indiana Jones ride.

"I can't believe you've neevr been on this ride," I baffled when Christian told me he had neevr been on it before. We stood together in the line waiting for it to move.

"I don't know if I've ever seen the movie," he said.

"Oh believe me if I'm your'll see it," I giggled.

"Ya know your a lot easier person to go out into public with," I said.

"huh?," He asked.

"Oh when A.J. and I were going out we couldn't go on dates anywhere. Girls would just throw themselves on him and try and hurt me. We never really had a first date," I siad.

"No, you have to be pulling my leg love! Thats not a propper lad if I've evr met one," he siad.

"Well he wasn't prince charming," I aded.

"I dont' think I'll ever find him," I said staring off.

"Who?" he asked.

"Oh...My prince charming," I said. Christians crystal blue eyes looked through me and knew exactly what I was saying.

"Maybe someday Cinderella will go to the ball," he said.

"Maybe," I said looking back to the ground. there was a young couple in front of us. They kept kissing and hugging...the young man always had his hand around her. And she would every once in a while put her head on his shoulder and chest. "Ya know what they should have?" I asked.

"What?" Christian asked in a clueless tone.

"A rent a boyfriend for the day. I mean these theme parks are full of couples who cuddle in the tight lines and people who come here to have fun and not think about the bad things have to deal with this," I said.

"I guess you and A.J. never did anything like that," he said.

"You guessed right," I aded.

"Well you know me the fortune teller. And your fortune shows that today you will have the time of your life!" he siad giving me a hug.

"And if it makes you feel better you can be my girlfriend for the day," he said.

"Be careful I charge by the hour," I said and we both laughed.

"But I'll make an exception for you," I said as Christian placed an arm arpound me.

"Thanks love," he said. This was only a day. What could a day do?

Chapter 4
Chapter 2