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~~Chapter 1~~

"Makila will you please get those books together we have a huge group of people coming this afternoon," Jason yelled at me from behind the counter.

"Okay, Okay I'm getting there. Ya know I'm supposed to be on vacation," I added sitting up.

"Just because your responsibility is gone for two months doesn't mean your on vacation," he yelled back. I hated when he was right. In all my twenty five years of responsibility, I hated when he put it back on me. I got the boks out and saw that we had five rooms booked for today. All right in a row. Jason walked up with a basket of Hibiscus flowers. "Why so many rooms today? And why are they all in a row?" I asked.

"Some band coming in. There recording an album here or something, said they needed a secluded area. Plus I arranged for them to be taken on some tours courtesy of you," He said pointing at me. Jason was the owner of the

"Hideaway hotel," He was an old friend of my fathers and had taken me in when my father died. I had been working there since I was out of Highschool. The hotel was far from any civilitazion. It was a historic site, you could say. Being a native of the island located in the Hawaian chain of islands I was always taught about the islands' significance. I slowly came back to reality. "Jason you know how much I hate taking tourists out!' I winned.

"Sorry," he shrugged his shoulders. I finished the books and got the keys ready for the rooms. About an hour later five guys walked into the hotel door. Of course at this time I was stuffing my face with food and watching Ricki Lake.

"Excuse me?' A tall dark and handsome man asked. He had to be around my age. I quickly swallowed my sandwich.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You have a little something in your teeth," he said refering to the piece of lettice stuck in my two front teeth. I quickly took it out with my tongue.

"Okay ummm how may I help you?" I asked. Before I could respond Jason made his way out. Welcoming them and handing them flowers.

"Jason may I please help them toi their rooms?" I asked smiling.

"Yes please do. Their in the five rooms on level 2," He said.

"Oh well okay I'll show you too yoyr rooms. You guys are big and strong so I think you can carry your own bags," I said leading them to their rooms. Before we took the elevator up I yelled to Jason," I think I'll take you up on that tour," I winked!
