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~Chapter 3~

I stepped onto the clamy sand. But before I could enjoy it I heard my named called and figured it was Jason yelling at me to work on the hotel books or something. Though I was suprised to see Tall dark and handsome standing on the wood dock.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"yeah ummm... can we forget you work at the hideaway?" He asked.

"Excuse me sir?" I asked being as polite as possible.

"I mean how about you talking to me without saying sir or can I help you," he said walking towards me.

"As long as you are a guest at the hideaway I plan to treat you as that." I smiled and began to walk away.

"No wait Makila please," he said.

I turned around to look him face too face. Before I knew what happend I had shared a special kiss with him. My head clicked again and I knew I just couldn't do what I was doing. I parted and ran farther out to the beach. He followed behind. I stopped,"I'm sorry," I said.

"Sorry for what?" He askded.

"Sorry I kissed you that was completely wrong," I said.

"That wasn't wrong at all. It meant something," he said.

"Meant something huh? I don't even know your name!" I yelled.

"Shhh it's Kevin okay, my name is kevin," He said.

"Kevin I'm sorry to dissapoint you but nothing ever works out with me. No guy has ever stuck around long enough to find out. I guess I have some repelent sent. Anyways your some huge star who has about a thousand screaming girls runing after you . Why am I even talking to you about this? I just met you," I siad turning around fliping my dark hair wherever I was going too," I said.

"Well I know I just met you but I'm sorry theres just something about you. I feel this amazing click," he said looking into my eyes.

"Okay well your just gonna have to get over your little click thing. Cause I just don't click with you. So I'm gonna get going how about you get some sleep and be ready for our little island tour tomorrow," I said and made my way back to the hotel not carrying about what Kevin was doing.

I woke up the next morning and put on my tankini and a pair of board shorts. I headed down to the kitchen and grabbed the days lunch for the tourists. I then went down to the lobby where I met the guests. Kevin was in apair of dark blue board shorts that made me want to melt.

"Okay everyone we will be gone until four this afternoon and I have lunches here so please everyone take one each," I said.

Just then Jason came up. he said the group was too big so he gave half of the group to another tour guide while I was stuck with Kevin and his friends. "You don't have a problem with this do you?" he asked.

"No of course not," I said putting on a fake smile. "Alright let's move out," I said leading the five guys up a small hill and around a laggon. At around two I took my group to the sevret waterfall. I sat down with the group and everyone opend their lunches. By this time I had met all the guys and found them very funny. "This area was originaly a secret ceremonial area for the original tribe from this area. Actually both my grandmothers and grandfathers are from this original tribe," I said.

"So that's why your so pretty huh?" Nick asked.

"Hey be careful blondy I'm older than you," I smiled.

"Hey I like older women," he smiled.

"Well I'm a little too old for you," I smiled.

"How old are you?" A.J. asked.

"Twentyfive. I'll be twentysix in two weeks," I said.

"Yeah your too old for me. But not for Bri here or Howie or even ken," Nick said.

"Well I'm not really lookin'," I said glancing at kevin. There was silence for a moment. "Why don't you guys go for a swim under the waterfall," I suggested.

They all agreed and jumped in. I ran in behind them. The guys decided to go explor the waterfall across the hill. "Hey kev lets go," Brian said.

"No thats okay, I think I'll just chill here with Makila," he said. I sat under the waterfall and Kevin came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're so gorgeous," he whispered in my ear.

"Kevin I can't do this," I said.

"Why not? Just give me a chance," he asked.

"Kevin I've been hurt before and how do I now you won't be another flash in the pane?" I asked scared.

"Makila I promise you I won't be. I want to get to know you. I feel like God's telling me your the one," he said.

"The one huh?" I laughed.

"Yah maybe you are. I guess I'll never know until you give me the chance," he whispered. I turned around to face him and found myself returning the kiss from the night before.