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~Chapter 4~

I woke up the next morning in pure bliss. For the first time in seven years I had butterflys about someone. Today was my day off and I knew I needed to relax. I put on my tankini and threw some stuff in a bag and headed down to the beach by the hotel. I was falling asleep when I opend my people magazine. The cover had the Backstreet Boys on the front....the title read,"Boy Toys Make new album." Cute huh? I read and read about how they where staying at a deserted island to record. I laughed, our island deserted? I layed my head down and began to fall asleep. Sometime later I felt someone rubbing suntan lotion onto my back. I had no clue who it was. I didn't even know anyone knew about this part of the beach. No one was ever there when I went to swim or just get a tan.

"Don't worry it's only me," I heard a sweet voice.

"let me guess Tall dark and handsome?" I asked.

"Me? Is that your name for me?" Kevin asked.

"Could be...nevermind that, how did you find this beach?" I asked.

"I ummm asked Jason and he knew exactly where you'd be," he said.

I stood up to face him. He had on a cute pair of boardshorts that showed his wellbuilt chest. "You work out?" I asked.

"Being on the road is enough of a work out," he said. He reminded me of the fact that he would be gone a lot and that he lived inland and I didn't. A relationship would be rough no matter where we lived. I discarded the thought and went back to staring at his piercing blue eyes. "Makila are you ok?" he asked.

I shook my head,"Yeah fine. Hey, why don't we go for a little swim," I said standing up. I pulled Kevin up with me. "Race ya," I said and Kevin came barreling after me. My feet hit the water with a splash and Kevin wrapped his arms around me and we fell into the waves. "Your crazy," I said.

"Crazy about you," he said floating with me over the waves.

"That is the cheesiest line I've heard," I said. We made our way out to a comfortable spot in the waves.

"Hey at least I've tried. Makila will you you let me escort you to dinner tonight?' he asked.

"Kevin I don't mean to sound so scared about this but I am. I mean I just met you and your already telling me how crazy you are about me,"I said.

He swam over to where I floated and snaked his arms around my waist. His green eyes went strait through me. He saw everything I was thinking of. "Don't be scared. Don't you feel this?" he asked putting his hadn over my heart. I wrapped my arms around his neck and met his lips in a sweet kiss.

"Where did you come from?" I asked him. "Kevin?" I asked.

"yeah," he said.

"What are we gonna do about this whole thing?' I asked.

"Well you can come on the road with me and even move to Florida," he said.

"Kevin thats impossible," i said knowing the real reason.

"Nothings impossible when your in love," he said kissing my cheek.

"Kevin there's somehting I need to tell you," I said. I prepared myself for heartbreak.
