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~Chapter 5~

Kevin led me out of the water and we sta on the towel on the beach. "Ok Mikayla I'm all ears," He said sittign next to me.

"Ok, if you decide that you never want to see me after I tell you this I totally understand," I said preparing myself.

"It can't be that bad," He siad. "You don't know," I said almost into a laugh.

"So what is it? Do you have a boyfriend? Or let me guess your seventeen and the whole thing about your age was a spoof?" He asked thinking of the reasons.

"I wish, but Kevin it's somehting more than that. You see Kevin when I was eighteen I was wild and there was this guy who had come in from the mainlands and we met and we had a wild weekend together. We had a long distance relationship for a while but it didn't work. And when I told him what I'm about to tell you he split. Just how your going to do whe I tell you this," i said.

"Kevin, I have a seven year old daughter," I said. His eyes grew big.

"Oh," was all that came out of his mouth.

"Bye," I said standing up wrapping myself in the towel and walking out of the beach. I wanted him to run after me I wantedhim to beg me to stay and tell me everythiung would be ok. But what i wanted I didn't gte. I knew this was going to happen, so there was no crying when i went back to my room and flopped down on the bed. I couldn't cry, I had expected this. "Did youy tell him?" Jason asked standing in the doorway.

"Yeah," i said.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Sure. I mean this happends all the time. I like a guy he likes me but ya know the decide since I have a responsibility like I do with Hannah they can't committ," i said.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Jason said, he relieved me of my chores from the day. I sat in my living room watching re-runs and stuffing my face wit chocolate, ice-cream, and tons of chips. I didn't care. Hannah would be back in two and a half weeks and then I'd be back to being mom. And to tell you the truth I wanted to be mom again. I picked up the phone and dialed my ex's number. Where Hnnah was. "Hey Tim it's Mikayla how's Hannah doing?" I asked. Tim and I had a good relationship. We where never hostile to each other. I was just greatful he had taken part in her life and not dumped her.

"Oh she's doing great. She keeps telling me the beaches of L.A. aren't as beautiful as Hawaii. She showed up some of the surfers down here with her moves," he laughed. He loved her a lot. I was happy about that. He was a good guy, a model in L.A. who kept beging me to move to California. Partially because he wantewd to be closer to Mikayla and he had a hope of getting back with me. "So how are you?" he asked.

"Fine Tim," I said.

"Good. So when wil we be seeing you out here. Ya know Mikayla I really do miss you. You and Hannah could come out here and I could take you both to Sea World and Disneyland and everything. What do you say?" He asked. Everytime I turned him down, but this time I didn't.

"Maybe. Maybe I'll fly out to pick up Mikayla and spend some time there. But thats not a yes, it's a maybe," I reminded him.

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that," he said. I asked to talk to Hnnah but she was sound asleep. So I decided to hit the sheets myself. Maybe I would go out to California.
