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~Chapter 6~

Are you sure?" Jason asked questioning my decision to fly out to L.A. for a few weeks. I thought it would be nice for Hannah to spend some time with her mom and Dad.

"Jason, i'm positive. I think this would be good for all of us. Anyways I'm leaving the day all those guys do so there won't be that many guests here," I said. I wanted to get off the island for a while. I avoided Kevin for two whole weeks. It had been hard but it was worth it. He was just like the other guys. He tried to talk to me every chance he got. But I couldn't talk to him. He had ranaway, I hadn't. "Now if Tim gets to be a jerk, you and Hannah just make your way back to the island," Jason said hugging me good-bye.

"Don't worry, he'll probably be a perfect gentelman," I said.

"He has been trying to get you back since Hannah was a baby. Just don't fall for him again," he said.

"I promise I won't. Your the only man in my life right now," i said thinking about kevin. I walked through the terminal lugging my carryon. Kevin and his bandmates where on the same plane, and Icould only hope I wasn't seated next to Kevin. I couldn't take anymore of him. I looked at my ticket to find my seat. My bag fit perfectly in the overhead compartment. "Long time, no talk," kevins voice rang into my ear.

"Miss, I need to change seats," I said automatically.

"I'm sorry mam but there's no possible way I can change your seating arrangments," she said.

"You'll have to parden my wife, we got into a bit of a spat while we where on our honeymoon," kevin said. I looked at him in shock. The flight attendant walked away and I almost tore Kevin apart.

"Your wife!" I yelled.


"Don't tell me to shh. You just reffered to me as your wife!" I yelled. He pulled me down in the chair next to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm going to L.A. to pick my daughter up," I said.

"Your going to visit your ex?" He asked.

"No I'm going to spend some time with my daughter and her father. I'm not getting back with Tim," I said. I turned my head and looked down the aisle.

"Your staying in L.A. huh?" He asked.

"Yeah I am," I said.

"Well maybe we can get together sometime and maybe go out. Ya know we never had a first date," he said making me focus my attention back to him.

"We will never have a first date. And I don't plan on going out with you anywhere," I said. I ignored what he was about to say next and pulled out a magazine. On the first page Tim was spread out in a pair of Tommy Hillfiger jeans. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? "What are you looking at?" he asked.

"It's a picture of my ex, he's a model in L.A."

"Let me see," he said taking the magazine from me.

"Makayla thats your ex?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Makayla, I have to tell you something," He said. I wanted to know what he was thinking of.
