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~*Chapter 10*~

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? HAS HER HEART STOPPED?" Marcy yelled, falling back into her chair as the whine attracted the attention of all the doctors and the nurses around them.

"OUT OF THE WAY, WE NEED IN, PLEASE?" The doctors ran in, and some nurses followed, others pushed the friends and family out.

"Oh god." Mark said, helping Marcy up and following her out of the room. "Oh god this can't be good."

"Don't worry," A nurse who was following them out of the room said. "The doctors here are the best in the city. If she is meant to stay with us, then she will. I will have someone come out and let you know what is happening as soon as we know." She said, then scurried to the room to assist the doctors.

Three hours later…

"How is she?" Samantha's parents asked the doctor as soon as he got out of her room.

"Well, We got her heart started again, but for how long we aren't sure. We did loose the baby though, and I am terribly sorry for that, but at the time, it was one life or the others." The doctor said, sadly looking at the ground.

"Well, as long as my baby is still with us. Can we see her?" Her dad asked.

"Well, not right now, we just want to keep her safe, from any germs for a little while. We will see in a few hours, ok? I'm sorry." The doctor said then went over to talk to the nurse.

"Marcy, Mark, why don't you guys go home? I mean take a shower, grab some food, then we'll call you later when we can go in, or if anything happens" Samantha's mom said hugging Marcy and patting Mark's arm.

"I'll give you a lift, ok Marcy?" Mark said grabbing his jacket. "Please call me if there is any change."

"We definitely will, Mark, don't worry." Samantha's dad said.

"I hope she is going to be ok, Mark. I am really scared for her." Marcy said crying on the way out of the hospital. "I almost feel responsible."

" Why would YOU be responsible. If anyone is to be responsible, it would be ME." Mark said. "I am so stupid…." He said breaking down, tears falling out of his eyes.

"Mark, She's going to be fine. Sam's a strong girl, you know that." Marcy said crying and handing Mark a tissue.

"But Marcy, What if she's not?"

Chapter 11
Chapter 9