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~*Chapter 8*~

"DAMN IT" Sam yelled as her car wouldn't start. "Why the hell won't you start you stupid machine"! She screamed at her car, got out and started kicking her tires are tears poured down her cheeks.
"Forget the car, I don't need it!" She ran back upstairs into her parent's bathroom. Her Father had always used an old razor blade to shave, instead of the new disposable ones. "STUPID MARK, STUPID PARTY AND STUPID EX BESTFRIENDS."
Without another thought running through her head, she opened her father's shaving kit, and took out his razor blade. "ooohhhh" She cried out and she fell to the floor in a big puddle of her own blood.


"Is she going to be ok?" Sam's mother asked as the doctor came out.

"Well, we're not exactly sure. She lost a fair bit of blood, and no one found her for quite a long time. We are doing everything that we can to save her and her baby's life, but-"

"WHAT? HER BABY?" Her mother interrupted. "She is pregnant?!?!" Gasping, Sam's mom feel back into her chair, and her husband wrapped his arms around her.

"How far along is she?" He asked the doctor.

"Only about 2 months, but the baby is in very critical conditions as is Samantha. We can not be sure of anything for the 48 hours. We have given them both a blood transfusion, but there is nothing else we can do." The doctor said. "Why don't you go home, and we can keep you updated?" He asked.

"No, can I see her?" Samantha's mother asked.

"Well, If you really want to, yes. But I must warn you, she does not look like herself, and she is very pale." He said guiding her parents to Samantha's room.

"Oh, Sammie.." Her mom wept, cradling Sam's hand against her cheek.

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" Some one tapped on the door.

"Come in" Her father said going over to see who was at the door.

"Oh, Mark." Samantha's mother ran over and hugged him.

"Hello. How is she?" Mark asked looking at Samantha and tears welling up in his eyes. "Not good Mark, Not good. Did you know that she was pregnant?" Her father asked him.

"She told me today. She seemed upset, but I never thought---" He cried.

"No hunny, how could you have known? I just wish she had told me." Her mother said, tearing pouring down her face.

"Does MArcy know?" Mark asked " I know they haven't been getting along, but maybe she should know."

"We haven't told anyone, we've been waiting for the doctors to tell us what is going on. Do you want ot tell her?"

"I don't know if she'll believe me, but ok." Mark said leaving the room to find a pay phone.

"Hello, Marcy?" He asked.

"What?" She said. "What do you want MARK?"

"Sam is in the hosptial, She tried to kill herself, Marcy..."


Chapter 9
Chapter 7