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~*Chapter 1*~

I ran frantically through the Tampa Airport, to the terminal for plane 725. I, Jessica Marie Brown, was about to see my boyfriend Nick Carter, after 3 weeks. Yeah, we'd called often, try every day, but it wasn't quite the same as seeing him in person. Yet, after 3 weeks, I trusted him, and I knew he hadn't looked at another girl why he was gone. Although, I'm not saying it wasn't tempting, he is a guy, and there probably were many pretty girls he passed, but there was only one girl in his mind. And I knew with all my heart it was me. Nick's leg shook and he tried to stop it. "Yo, man, calm down," Brian said, "it's not like you've never seen her before, or ever been away from each other."

"Yeah, but Frick, I love her, what happens if she doesn't want me back?" Nick asked, nervous, his leg starting up again.

"A girl who calls every night and stays on the phone with you for at least a half an hour, has gotta love you back," Brian said, reassuringly.

"Ha ha, funny. But I'm serious," Nick said.

"And so am I," Brian repeated. Just then, the bell interrupted them, signaling them to get off the plane."Here goes nothing," Nick mumbled, picking up his carry-on bag, and walking off the plane. I waited patiently for him to get off the plane. I knew he liked to wait for everyone else to get off, so no one would recognize him, but this was ridiculous. I looked down at Nick's sweatshirt and my pair of jean shorts. I hoped I looked good enough for him, but before I could worry about it, I looked up and he was walking off the plane. "NICK!!!" I yelled, running toward him. He held his arms open, and I jumped into them, kissing him frantically. "Nick! Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick," I repeated, between kisses.

"Oh, baby,," he said between kisses. He quickly kissed me with all that was inside both of us, and moved me over, out of the way of the people trying to get passed us. His lips felt warm, and I wanted to stay like that forever. He released me, and his head feel toward my neck. "Um.. Nick?" I asked, as his head moved up towards my lips again. As soon as we released, he said into my ear,

"Just like I thought, exactly like your perfume." I giggled softly, and said,

"I wear your necklace everyday." I felt shy saying that in front of him, like a little girl, but as a grin crept onto his face, I knew it meant the world to him.

"I love the CD, even though it isn't my favorite. As long as it's one of your favorites, then I love it too. You wanted me to hear "This I Promise You"?" he asked. I nodded,

"Everytime I heard it, I thought of you," I whispered.

"Every song on that album, I thought of you," Nick replied.

"Oh, Nick," I said, almost in tears.

"Don't cry, you look so pretty," he said, picking up my chin and kissing me softly.

"That's what I missed the most," I said, "Just having you hear, to hold me, and make me better."

"I missed everything, nothing was the same without you," he said, kissing me again.

"Nick, can we stay like this forever, together that is?" I asked.

"Of course," he said nodding, "I never want to be away from you that long, again."

"Okay, let's not. Next time I promise to go with you," I vowed.

"Promise," Nick agreed.

"Let's get your stuff, then we can get ready to go out to dinner," I said.

"Where?" he asked.

"You'll see," I said.

"I'm loving this already," he commented, placing his hand around my waist, "How could I live without this?"

"I have no clue," I sighed, happy I was in his arms once again.

Chapter 2