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~*Chapter 16*~

Nick saw the ending credits start to roll onto the screen, and he quickly jumped up. He'd chosen a comedy, but he couldn't find anything funny. The only thought he had, was to see Jess again, and fast. He jumped into the rental car, and sped over to the house. He grabbed a bathing suit, and quickly changed into it. He wondered if Jess had missed him, but he already knew that she had. He ran outside, to see that she was talking to someone. A guy. A brunette guy, who wasn't that tan, and didn't seem very muscular. Nick decided to show this guy who Jess was, his wife. "Hey baby," Nick said, coming to me, and kissing me. It was a long kiss, and I sensed something was up, but wasn't about to question it.

"Hey Nick," I said, when we parted.

"Who's this?" Nick asked, looking up at the guy I'd been speaking to.

"Oh sorry," I apologized, "This is Jeff, he's going to be here as long as we are. He just came over to introduce himself." Nick glared up at Jeff, but I thought nothing of it.

"It was nice meeting you Jess," Jeff said, bending down and kissing me hand.

"Stop, you're so silly," I giggled. Nick's arm protectively went around my waist, and pulled me closer to him.

"Bye," Nick said, signaling for Jeff to leave. Jeff looked interrupted, but left without a word.

"Now wasn't that polite, Nick?" I said, turning around to look at him.

"Jess, he was hitting on you," he replied, jumping up and running inside.

"Nick!" I exclaimed, running after him. As we approached the house, Nick turned around to confront me.

"When a guy comes up to a girl, you in this matter, he isn't trying to be nice. He's slowly trying to get you into their house, for their own reasons. Jess, I just saved you from that." With that, he turned around and slammed the door shut.

"Nick!" I exclaimed again.

"Please understand, Nick," I said, grabbing his hand.

"What? Understand that he was hitting on you? Understand that you liked him?" Nick accused. His face was red with anger, but his eyes showed only compassion.

"Nick, you know I love you, and only you. Why in the world would I have married you if I was only going to have "wandering eyes"?" I asked.

"Jess, don't give me that crap," he said, sitting down in a chair and shaking his head in his hands.

"Nick, I love you. What don't you understand?" I asked, sitting next to him and holding his head with one hand and his hand with the other.

"Jess, are you sure?" he asked. I brought his head closer to mine, and slowly kissed him.

"Yes, I'm positive," I answered, when we parted.

"Then bring... it... on!" Nick yelled, kissing my stomach.

"How was the movie?" I asked, sitting up in bed. Nick's arms pulled me back down. It had been an hour since I told him I loved him, and he wanted to prove his devotion to me again.

"Wasn't as good as seeing it with you," he whispered, has he slowly brushed my hair out of my face.

"Oh," I said, kissing down his chest and back up. He slowly groaned, as my mouth reached his belly button, and I looked up.

"What?" I asked.

"When you get down to my stomach, it only makes me want you more," he said.

"Oh, well with that said," I replied, returning my head to his belly button. I stuck my tongue in and I heard him groan more.

"Oh you asked for it," he threatened, once I stopped.

"I asked for what?" I said, laying down next to him again.

"You asked for me to give it to you again," he said, lying on top of me, positioning himself.

"Nick!" I exclaimed, pushing him off.

"Fine, if you don't want it again, then don't shove your tongue in my belly button," he said, getting off me, and returning to my side.

Chapter 17
Chapter 15